Search results for:European Parliament

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France Announces Coal Power Phase Out Date

France this week became the latest country to vow to phase out unabated coal power from its energy mix, pledging that its last coal plant will shut by 2023 at the latest. French...

Gas: Use EU Storage Capacity Efficiently and Forge Trade Partnerships, Urge MEPs

The EU strategy for liquefied natural gas (LNG) must make energy supplies more secure, cut carbon emissions and deliver affordable prices say MEPs in a resolution voted on Tuesday. Parliament calls on...

Europe’s Largest Gas Field Could Face Larger Production Cap

The Dutch Parliament adopted a motion to review production at the Groningen gas field annually, Reuters reported on Thursday. In June, the legislature passed a 5-year output bill that sought to limit the...

France passes ‘pioneering’ food waste bill to ban supermarkets from binning unused food

France passes new food waste bill obliging supermarkets to hand over unused food to charity and not destroy leftover products, claiming the law will be "unique in Europe". France is to enact...

Paris Agreement signing ceremony in New York – the EU calls for swift ratification

The signing ceremony, convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, follows the adoption of the world's first universal climate change agreement by 195 countries in Paris on 12 December 2015. The European Union...



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