Search results for:Biodiversity

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Celebrate World Ocean Day with the Blue Belt Programme

Covering over 70 per cent of the planet the Ocean has a major role in everyday life. It produces at least 50 per cent of the planet’s oxygen, is home to most...

Stockholm+50 Closes With Call for Urgent Environmental, Economic Transformation

Hundreds of speakers attending Stockholm+50, have called for real commitment to urgently address global environmental concerns and for a just transition to sustainable economies that work for all people. The two-day international meeting concluded...

What You Need to Know About Stockholm+50

On 2 and 3 June 2022, world leaders and representatives from government, business, international organizations, civil society and youth will gather in Sweden for Stockholm+50 – an international meeting to drive action towards a healthy...

USD 43 Million Boost for Developing Countries’ Efforts to Reverse Species Loss

With global biodiversity loss at dangerous levels, 139 countries have received a lifeline to fast-track efforts to conserve, protect and restore species and ecosystems as soon as a new global accord currently...

Why we Need Global Cooperation on Decarbonizing Cities and Real Estate

In an increasingly challenging and volatile world, the urgent need to decarbonize real estate remains a constant. There are no quick fixes that will suddenly transform today’s energy inefficient buildings into models of...

The Future of Solar Energy in Europe

SolarPower Europe is the leading European association for solar energy, founded in 1985. This association represent over 250 companies and organizations across the entire solar value chain; from solar manufacturers, to installers...

We Lose One Species on Earth almost Every Hour

Last Saturday in center of Zagreb, the attention of passers-by is captured by a clock whose alarm rings to wake up the whole human race. Every hour counts down and warns of the fact...

​Early Warning Systems Must Protect Everyone Within Five Years

Within the next five years, everyone on Earth should be protected by early warning systems against increasingly extreme weather and climate change, according to an ambitious new United Nations target announced today. UN...

What is the Sixth Mass Extinction and What Can We Do About It?

A mass extinction is a short period of geological time in which a high percentage of biodiversity, or distinct species—bacteria, fungi, plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates—dies out. In this definition, it’s...

Climate Change: A Threat to Human Wellbeing and Health of the Planet.

Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce the risks. People and ecosystems least...

G20 Countries Can Help Close Climate Finance Gap by Investing in Nature-based Solutions

Climate failure ranks as one of the top risks in the Global Risks Report 2022, published by the World Economic Forum. A new report, titled The State of Finance for Nature in...

Why Children and Youth Hold the Key to a Sustainable Future

In a world where climate change-induced environmental emergencies, such as floods, extreme temperatures and fires, are increasingly becoming the norm, the future can often look uncertain. This future is particularly uncertain for...

Rare Coral Reef Discovered Near Tahiti by a UNESCO Mission

A scientific research mission supported by UNESCO has discovered one of the largest coral reefs in the world off the coast of Tahiti. The pristine condition of, and extensive area covered by,...

2022: Emergency Mode for the Environment

As the new year gets underway, the world continues to grapple with a number of familiar challenges – the continued COVID-19 pandemic, resurgent wildfires, enduring crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and...

Loyal Partners In Serbia’s Green Transition

Some would say that after 70 years of existence, a company would not have any challenges to face. Tetra Pak company's employees are still full of life and energy, but also responsible...

Dragonflies Threatened as Wetlands Around the World Disappear

The destruction of wetlands is driving the decline of dragonflies worldwide, according to the first global assessment of these species in today’s update of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™. Their...



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