Search results for: greenhouse gas emissions

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Oslo Introduces First-of-its-Kind “Climate Budget” to Cut Emissions in Half by 2020

When Oslo’s city government launches its budget in 2017, the city will no longer simply count money, but it will also track carbon emissions. For a long time, Oslo has had ambitious...

Oslo’s Radical “Climate Budget” Aims to Halve Carbon Emissions in Four Years

Oslo's leftist city government issued its first "climate budget" on Wednesday aiming to halve greenhouse gas emission within four years in one of the world's most radical experiments to slow global warming. The...

100 Countries Push to Phase out Potentially Disastrous Greenhouse Gas

A loose coalition of more than 100 countries, including the US and European nations, is pushing for an early phase-out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a powerful greenhouse gas that if left unchecked is...

Fast food Chains Largest Contributors of Carbon Emissions: Study

Rapidly growing multinational fast food chains in India are the largest contributors to hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) emissions and could add the equivalent of nearly one million tonnes of carbon emissions by 2020, says a new...

Good Emissions Trading Programs are Unique, Not One-Size-Fits-All

Climate change is a global problem — but its solution relies on national, regional, and local policy actions. Take the issue of greenhouse gas emissions markets, which put a price on, say,...

EPA Finding Clears Way for Limit on Aircraft Emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday declared that jet engine exhaust endangers public health by contributing to climate change, a key milestone as it works to develop regulations that will cut carbon...

Efficiency, Clean Energy Put Dent in CO2 Emissions

Americans are using less electricity as buildings become more energy-efficient and industrial power demand weakens, and a new report says that is leading to three trends: Declining carbon dioxide emissions, low electric...

Researchers Assess Power Plants that Convert all of their CO2 Emissions into Carbon Nanotubes

Last year, researchers at George Washington University proposed a method for transforming CO2 emissions into carbon nanotubes (CNTs). When applied to power plants, the technology could completely eliminate the power plants' CO2...

Carbon emissions highest in 66 million years, since dinosaur age

The rate of carbon emissions is higher than at any time in fossil records stretching back 66 million years to the age of the dinosaurs, according to a study on Monday that...

Decoupling of global emissions and economic growth confirmed

IEA analysis shows energy-related emissions of CO2 stalled for the second year in a row as renewable energy surged. Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) – the largest source of man-made greenhouse...

Global concern about climate change, broad support for limiting emissions

Pew Research Institute made a research before conference COP 21 in Paris, here you can find some interesting facts about this issue. As world leaders prepare to negotiate an  agreement that will frame...

Why Aren’t We Reducing our Reliance on Fossil Fuels Faster?

The world must rapidly cut its greenhouse gas emissions. Remarkable progress has been made, especially in the adoption of renewable energy in the transport and energy sectors, but the change is not...

July Sets New Temperature Records

Extreme heat hit hundreds of millions of people throughout July, with a domino effect felt right across society. July was one of the hottest - if not the hottest - month on...

The Fashion Industry Lags in Achieving Climate Goals

The fashion industry remains one of the world’s top polluters and shows no serious tendencies to change its business models and make them more sustainable. Members of the global movement Fashion Revolution, which...

From Grass to Electricity with the Help of Digesters

Over the years, growing dominant crops on land can lead to various environmental consequences, such as loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, farmers are advised to revert parts...

Regional Fora Aim to Increase Country Ambition Ahead of Next Round of Climate Plans

As record temperatures and unprecedented impacts of climate change continue to affect billions of people across the planet, the United Nations and partners have announced a series of regional meetings aimed at...



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