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Global Energy and Climate Leaders Meet in Sydney to Strengthen Clean Energy Technology Supply Chains

Global energy and climate leaders are meeting this week at the Sydney Energy Forum, which is co-hosted by the Australian Government and the IEA, to discuss how to scale up and strengthen...

Blue Economy Can Help Members Boost Offshore Renewables

“An important part of the solution to today’s energy crisis may lay with our oceans as a source of local and abundant renewable energy”, said Roland Roesch, Deputy-Director of IRENA’s Innovation and...

Stellantis Expands Relationship With Vulcan Energy Becoming Shareholder In Decarbonized Lithium Company

Stellantis N.V. and Vulcan Energy Resources Ltd. today announced Stellantis’ €50 million (A$76 million) equity investment in Vulcan and an extension of the original binding offtake agreement to 10 years. The equity...

IRENA And OPEC Fund Join Forces To Unlock Investment In Energy Transition

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund) are ramping up efforts to advance renewable energy investment and enable access to sustainable finance in emerging...

Why we Need Global Cooperation on Decarbonizing Cities and Real Estate

In an increasingly challenging and volatile world, the urgent need to decarbonize real estate remains a constant. There are no quick fixes that will suddenly transform today’s energy inefficient buildings into models of...

ABB to Power World’s First Hybrid-Electric Biomass Fuel Carriers

The Japanese Shipowners’ Association has announced that the Japanese shipping industry will take on the challenge of 2050 net zero GHG. One of its most significant initiatives is e5 Lab Inc., a...

Energy Transition Holds Key to Tackle Global Energy and Climate Crisis

Short-term interventions addressing the current energy crisis must be accompanied by a steadfast focus on mid- and long-term goals of the energy transition. High fossil fuel prices, energy security concerns and the...

Joint Statement Between the European Commission and the United States on European Energy Security

The United States and the European Commission are committed to reducing Europe's dependency on Russian energy. "We reaffirm our joint commitment to Europe's energy security and sustainability and to accelerating the global transition...

Green Hydrogen Needs Industrial Policy Making and Certification

With its ability to decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors like chemicals and steelmaking industries, green hydrogen is expected to be in high demand as countries are racing to achieve their net zero targets. However,...

3 Ways the Circular Economy is Vital for the Energy Transition

The circular economy is a system which aims to get the most out of materials, keep products and materials in use and design them to be cycled back into the economy, eliminating...

Hydrogen Economy Hints at New Global Power Dynamics

Rapid growth of the global hydrogen economy can bring significant geoeconomic and geopolitical shifts giving rise to a wave of new interdependencies, according to new analysis by the International Renewable Energy Agency...

Surging Electricity Demand is Putting Power Systems Under Strain Around the World

Global electricity demand surged in 2021, creating strains in major markets, pushing prices to unprecedented levels and driving the power sector’s emissions to a record high. Electricity is central to modern life...

The Potential of Digital Business Models in the New Energy Eonomy

The pace of digitalisation in the energy sector has accelerated rapidly in recent years, leading to a transformation of many traditional business models. Thanks to innovative technologies and access to new types...

IMMOFINANZ to reach emission-free status by 2040

IMMOFINANZ is making an important contribution to the fight against climate change with its new Net Zero Emission Strategy. Plans call for a reduction of 60 percent (below the 2019 level) in...

10 Ways You Can Help Fight the Climate Crisis

The evidence is irrefutable: unless we act immediately to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we will not be able to stave off the worst consequences of climate change. The world is already 1.2°C warmer...

EBRD Invests 5 Million Euros in Lithuanian Green Bond to Accelerate Regional Renewables

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is investing 5 million euros in a 25 million euros Green Bond issued by UAB Atsinaujinančios Energetikos Investicijos (AEI). AEI is a Lithuanian fund and renewable...



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