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Air Pollution: Parliament Adopts Revised Law to Improve Air Quality

Parliament on Wednesday adopted a provisional political agreement with EU countries on new measures to improve air quality in the EU so it is no longer harmful to human health, natural ecosystems...

More Bioplastics for Less Microplastics

Plastic pollution leads to various problems, especially for marine animals, which get injured when they get stuck in or swallow a plastic object. There are also warnings that certain plastic products should...

Earth Day: What is it, When is it and Why is it Important?

Earth Day is an international day devoted to our planet. It draws attention to the environment and promotes conservation and sustainability. Each year on 22 April, around one billion people around the world...

Would You Live in a Beehive Building?

The average person in industrialized societies spends about 70 per cent of the day indoors (in many countries, this percentage is much higher). Staring at a computer screen all day, being sedentary,...

The Sustainable Development Crisis – How Big is the Financial Gap in Accomplishing the SDGs?

The entire planet strives to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the latest United Nations report indicates that countries are not moving well enough towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development....

Oil Demand Growing at a Slower Pace as Post-Covid Rebound Runs its Course

Global oil demand growoilth is currently in the midst of a slowdown and is expected to ease to 1.2 million barrels a day (mb/d) this year and 1.1 mb/d in 2025 –...

Wealthy Countries Have Learned Their Lesson – They Are Trying to Restore Their Estuaries

People have always inhabited the banks of rivers that are vital to our existence, but it seems that human intervention in the last three decades is slowly taking its toll. Experts from Inha...

Social Networks from a Different Eco-Angle

Countless novelties are met with not-so-good opinions. An effective example of this is social networks where people post inappropriate and hateful words, accompanied by unpleasant visual covers, which worryingly leads us to...

New EU Rules to Improve Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reuse

With 481 votes in favour, 79 against and 26 abstentions, Parliament adopted the deal reached with the Council in January 2024 on revising the EU’s water management and urban wastewater treatment standards...

ESG In the Oil Industry – Sustainable Business Implies Responsibility

The focus of the last United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development Goals, which took place in mid-September, was precisely on fulfilling these goals. Officials warn that the situation is slowly but surely...

Green Planet between Dystopia and Utopia

That day, at the front door of my building, I was intercepted by an upset neighbor with the announcement that “The lift is not working again!” I noticed that my neighbor was...

New Schneider Electric Hub: Ingrid Building in Novi Sad Sets Benchmark for Sustainable and Innovative Work Environment

Schneider Electric, present in Serbia and Montenegro for more than two decades, stands out by the placement of advanced solutions for energy efficiency, digitalization and automation, as well as by the impressive...

Eight ways to overcome the waste pollution crisis

Humanity generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste a year. When improperly managed, much of that refuse—from food and plastics to electronics and textiles — emits greenhouse gases...


Sustainable business is a relatively new, very sensitive and changing topic. Different companies throughout the supply chain and in different fields have different views of what is sustainable for them and what...


By now, everybody knows how important bees are for the survival of humanity and biodiversity, but in practice, it seems that that is not the case. Although, initially, I thought of skipping...

20 years of ABB in Serbia

For decades, ABB in Serbia has grown organically from a representative office to a company, as part of the ABB Group. Through continuous improvement and investment in the development of its employees,...



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