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Duke Energy Behind North Carolina’s Proposed Solar Policy Change

Alongside Highway 401 in northern North Carolina is a 21st-century twist on a classic rural scene. A few miles outside of Roxboro, sheep graze among 5,000 panels at the Person County Solar...

Dams Significantly Impact Global Carbon Cycle, New Study Finds

There are an estimated 84,000 dams in the U.S., blocking more than 17 percent of rivers in the nation. Dams are interrupting wildlife habitats, damaging the ecosystem and impacting the global climate...

Solar Energy Brings A Ray Of Hope To Salt Farmers In Gujarat

A vast majority of India's salt comes from Gujarat's Little Rann of Kutch desert. Here, about 43,000 salt farmers, mostly women, work in brutal heat to produce salt from briny tidal water....

What Does Nature Mean to you? NATURE@work Photo Competition Launched

Nature works hard to protect us and to sustain our everyday lives — a fact that is often under-appreciated. But it plays a vital role, providing clean air, clean drinking water, clothing,...

Study: Investment in Creating Climate-Resilient Communities Could Curb Terror Threat

Building resilient communities capable of adapting to the impacts of global warming is likely to be a key tool in minimising the threat from terrorist organisations around the world. That is the conclusion...

Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano: Green Climate Fund Will Be the Biggest Financial Mechanism

Climate change is a global problem and the obligation of each country is to actively participate in the fight against all these changes. Serbia plans to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement by...

This Is how Santiago, Chile Plans to Fight Against Climate Change

Reducing inequality, securing water supplies and strengthening disaster prevention is crucial to bolster Chile’s quake-prone capital against climate change and other hazards, Santiago’s authorities said. In a new strategy to make the city...

Scientists Sound the Alarm: CO2 Levels Race Past Point of No Return

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that carbon dioxide levels in 2016 broke records for the second year in a row with an increase of 3 parts per million (ppm). The...

5 Cities Leading the Charge on Climate Action

The sheer number of people who live in cities now and who are expected to move into them in the coming years is startling. Around two-thirds of the world's population is predicted...

Drones Are Improving Water Management in Thailand

Thailand is feeling the impact of climate change – in particular, the agricultural sector has to deal with extreme weather conditions. The disastrous flooding of 2011 was followed by years of drought,...

The World Economic Forum Focus on Climate Change

The World Economic Forum is devoting 15 sessions of its 2017 annual meeting to climate change, and nine more to clean energy - the most ever on the issues. It reflects how much...

Climate Change: 90% of Rural Australians Say their Lives are Already Affected

Ninety per cent of people living in rural and regional Australia believe they are already experiencing the impacts of climate change and 46% believe coal-fired power stations should be phased out, according...

Methane from Livestock Nearing Worst-Case Scenario for Climate Change

Exhaust emissions from gasoline and diesel cars get a lot of attention from policymakers attempting to combat climate change. But another very large source of carbon emissions has nothing to do with...

Grundfos: to Be the Best with the Best

Currently in the world, about 13% of primary energy consumption comes from renewable sources although the technological capacities are significantly higher. Contrary to renewable sources are non-renewable energy sources. They could be...

Climate change is changing nature so much it may need ‘human-assisted evolution’, scientists say

Life on Earth has already been fundamentally altered by global warming, affecting the genes of plants and animals and altering every ecosystem on the planet, according to a major review of the...

The World Passes 400ppm Carbon Dioxide Threshold. Permanently

We are now living in a 400ppm world with levels unlikely to drop below the symbolic milestone in our lifetimes, say scientists. Climate Central reports. In the centuries to come, history books will...



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