Search results for:droughts

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Investors: Food Firms Must Embrace Smarter Water Practices

Corporations from across the food industry are taking steps to improve their water management, but many remain exposed to high levels of water-related risks that could leave investors exposed in the future. That...

DUSKA DIMOVIC: Mankind Lives Beyond the Capacity of Nature

One of the most prominent actions in Serbia’s public life that deals with nature is 'Earth Hour'. It is an action that is being implemented throughout the world and the creators of...

Study: Investment in Creating Climate-Resilient Communities Could Curb Terror Threat

Building resilient communities capable of adapting to the impacts of global warming is likely to be a key tool in minimising the threat from terrorist organisations around the world. That is the conclusion...

Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano: Green Climate Fund Will Be the Biggest Financial Mechanism

Climate change is a global problem and the obligation of each country is to actively participate in the fight against all these changes. Serbia plans to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement by...

Why Cities are Outpacing Countries in the Race to Curb Climate Change

Cities from Oslo to Sydney are setting goals to curb climate change that exceed national targets, causing tensions with central governments about who controls policy over green energy and transport and construction. More...

How Wind Energy Helps to Conserve Water

The world is entering a new energy era, where consumption of renewable energy sources seems to be the only way to conserve nature and save life on the planet. By now, everybody knows...

World Water Day: One in Four Children will Live with Water Scarcity by 2040

One in four of the world’s children will be living in areas with extremely limited water resources by 2040 as a result of climate change, the UN has warned. Within two decades, 600...

5 Cities Leading the Charge on Climate Action

The sheer number of people who live in cities now and who are expected to move into them in the coming years is startling. Around two-thirds of the world's population is predicted...

There Is Constantly Fewer Water Resources, Better Management Is Necessary

While preparing for the interview with PhD Nebojša Veljković, we have performed several experiments and easily made sure that the litre of water is more expensive than the litre of petrol. Continuation...

The World Economic Forum Focus on Climate Change

The World Economic Forum is devoting 15 sessions of its 2017 annual meeting to climate change, and nine more to clean energy - the most ever on the issues. It reflects how much...

Climate Change: 90% of Rural Australians Say their Lives are Already Affected

Ninety per cent of people living in rural and regional Australia believe they are already experiencing the impacts of climate change and 46% believe coal-fired power stations should be phased out, according...

Lao PDR to Strengthen and Climate-Proof Rural Roads with World Bank Support

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved today a US $25 million credit from the International Development Association (IDA) to help Lao PDR strengthen its road maintenance systems and improve road...

Water resilience in Africa at forefront of COP22 agenda

Several African ministers in charge of water took part in a side event organised in the Moroccan pavilion yesterday during which they stressed the pertinence of putting water issues at the top...

Global ‘Greening’ Has Slowed Rise of CO2 in the Atmosphere, Study Finds

A global “greening” of the planet has significantly slowed the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the start of the century, according to new research. More plants have been growing due...

The World Passes 400ppm Carbon Dioxide Threshold. Permanently

We are now living in a 400ppm world with levels unlikely to drop below the symbolic milestone in our lifetimes, say scientists. Climate Central reports. In the centuries to come, history books will...

Radiography of Drought Periods in Spain from the last 318 years

The Mediterranean Basin has been witness to increased droughts for at least five decades, but has this always been the case? A research team has been successful in reconstructing, for the first...



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