Search results for:agricultural land

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Renewable Energy Jobs Continue Growth to 11.5 Million Worldwide

Renewable energy continues to bring socio-economic benefits by creating numerous jobs worldwide, according to the latest figures released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) today. The seventh edition of Renewable Energy...

First Solar’s Thin-Film PV Modules Chosen For Largest Urban Solar Power Plant In Europe

This week, First Solar shared that JP Energie Environnement (JPee) has decided to use First Solar’s Series 6 solar modules for its 59-megawatt (MW)DC Labarde solar power plant built on a former...

A Higher-Yield Rice Variety Moves Madagascar Further on the Path to Self-Sufficiency

Madagascar has a rich history of rice cultivation. Outside of Asia, Madagascar has the longest tradition of rice production, and this staple is cultivated in almost all districts of the country. For...

Farmers Could Substantially Boost Productivity by Conserving Soil Biodiversity – IUCN Report

Gland, Switzerland (IUCN) – By increasing the biodiversity of soils through sustainable practices, farmers could deliver substantial benefits for food and water security as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation, according to...

Eco Start Project

Organic fruits, vegetables and herbs have become very popular on the market in recent years, so has the need for their production. Recognizing the importance of this trend, land potential in their...

Blanketing the United States in Solar Panels and Pollinator-Friendly Plants

It started as a trickle and now the floodgates are open. Solar arrays that once sat on barren ground are now festooned with plants that attract bees, birds, and butterflies. Even the...

Protection of Seagrasses Key to Building Resilience to Climate Change, Disasters

Seagrass meadows can be a powerful nature-based climate solution and help sustain communities hard-hit by stressors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, but these important ecosystems continue to decline. The importance of seagrasses...

Good Health is an Environmental Right

The COVID-19 crisis is a reminder of the intimate relationship between humans, animals and the environment. There are several human rights related to the environment- these are our environmental rights. Without clean, safe,...

Forests and Waters Are Our Greatest Treasure

We talked to Branislav Nedimovic, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia about the greatest potentials of Serbian agriculture, how to mitigate the effects of climate...

Do We Know What We Eat and How Safe We Are?

People all over the world continuously cross swords over genetically modified (hereinafter referred to as GM) food as one of the vital topics. While some advocate that it is the food of...

Governments, Smart Data and Wildfires: Where Are We At?

The ongoing bushfires in Australia have focused media attention on wildfires more generally and their link to biodiversity and habitat loss, as well as global heating. We take a look at the some...

More Than Twenty Thousand Tonnes of Tyres Were Recycled in the First Half of 2019

In a dozen tyre treatment plants in our country, tyres are  collected  through  a  collection  network  organised  by  recyclers.  This  network  includes  its  collecti-on  system,  as  well  as  individuals  and  legal  entity ...

Polluting Our Soils Is Polluting Our Future

Soil is a finite resource, meaning its loss and degradation is not recoverable within a human lifespan. Soils affect the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, our...

Don’t Pursue Economic Growth at Expense of Environment – Report

Pursuing economic growth at the expense of the environment is no longer an option as Europe faces “unprecedented” challenges from climate chaos, pollution, biodiversity loss and the overconsumption of natural resources, according...

Drought and Flood Cause Drop in Emissions

Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions have flatlined due to the effects of the drought, which has caused a large drop in carbon dioxide from the agriculture sector.The government’s quarterly greenhouse data for the...

Weak Systems and Funding Gaps Jeopardize Drinking-Water and Sanitation in the Poorest Countries

The World Health Organization (WHO) and UN-Water sounded the alarm for an urgent increase in investment in strong drinking-water and sanitation systems.The call came as the international water sector meets in Stockholm...



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