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District Heating Warms Cities Without Fossil Fuels

Heating homes and offices without adding to the dangers of climate change is a major challenge for many cities, but re-imagined district heating is now offering an answer. A district heating scheme is...

All Renewables Will Be Cost Competitive With Fossil Fuels by 2020

Generating electricity from renewable energy sources is not only better for the environment compared to fossil fuels, but it will also be consistently cheaper in just a few years, according to a...

China Sitting Pretty To Dominate New Clean Energy Future, Claims IEEFA

With the United States pulling out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, China has solidified its position as the dominant global clean energy powerhouse in 2017, and is set to lead the...

A Battery-Powered Electric Plane Just Had Its First Test Flight in Australia

Startup Electro.Aero and aircraft manufacturer Pipistrel have started test flights for an all-electric plane above an airport in Australia. The plan is to have electric planes that can carry up to five...

Rural Africa Could Be Powered Using Genetically Modified Algae

Fuel cells powered by living algae that are five times more efficient than current models, have been designed by scientists at the University of Cambridge. It is thought they could one day...

Wind Energy Tariffs In India Fall 30% In 10 Months

Within 10 months of introducing competitive auctions in the wind energy sector, India has witnessed a sharp correction in tariff bids by project developers. The major reason for this sharp correction is...

Huge China Reforestation Campaign Kicks Into High Gear

If you want a feel-good story about a country that takes climate change seriously and is willing to take significant steps to protect the environment, China is a good place to start....

Germany Had So Much Renewable Energy Over Christmas It Had to Pay People to Use It

People in Germany essentially got paid to use electricity on Christmas. Electricity prices in the country went negative for many customers - as in, below zero - on Sunday and Monday, because the...

44% Wind — Denmark Set New Wind Energy Record In 2017

Numbers have just come out this week from, the Danish energy organization whose members support companies in delivering steady green power to the Danes, with an impressive uptime of 99.99% at...

Nikola Rajaković: Will Conventional Energy in Serbia Be Able to Respond to the Challenge of Electromobility?

It became clear to all of us that the Republic of Serbia is seriously preparing for the transport transformation - from traditional fossil fuels vehicles to sustainable electric and hybrid cars, buses,...

Report: US Records ‘Lowest Renewables Plus Storage Bids’ to Date

The growing attractiveness of the US renewables sector was again underlined last week, as a new analysis detailed how wind and solar projects in Colorado are set to undercut the cost of...

Low-Carbon Electricity Outstrips Fossil Fuel Electricity in 2017

2017 was a record-breaking year for clean electricity in the UK, with new analysis from Carbon Brief today revealing more power came from low-carbon sources than all fossil fuels combined for the...

2017: The ‘Greenest Year Ever’ for Electricity

The UK smashed 13 clean energy records last year in the ‘greenest year ever' for electricity production in the country, according to WWF analysis of National Grid data. The sweep of new records...

Green Tech Will Be Everywhere in 2018: Politics Cannot Stop the Revolution

In 2017, clean power gathered unprecedented momentum. Multiple automakers launched entire families of electric vehicles (EVs), including the most exciting one yet, Tesla's Model 3. With climate change problems mounting, national and local...

UK Clean Energy Records Make 2017 ‘Greenest Year Ever’

This year is set to be the “greenest ever” for the UK, according to data provided by the National Grid. Over the course of 2017, 13 different renewable energy records have been broken. “It’s...

New Low For India Wind Energy Tariff In 500 Megawatt Auction

The latest onshore wind energy auction in India has yielded the lowest-ever tariffs quoted by project developers. The wind energy auction organized by the state government of Gujarat its power distribution company revealed...



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