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Scores More Heart Attacks and Strokes on High Pollution Days, Figures Show

Scores of children and adults are being rushed to hospital for emergency treatment on days of high pollution in cities across England, figures show.Each year emergency services see more than 120 additional...

Carcinogenicity Assessment Was Flawed for 4 out of 10 Pesticides, New Report Shows

A new review of carcinogenicity assessments of pesticide active ingredients shows 40 percent of them are not carried out in compliance with existing European guidelines, leading to possible continued exposure of farmers...

Ivory Coast Law Could See Chocolate Industry ‘Wipe Out’ Protected Forests

The Ivory Coast’s dwindling rainforests could be “wiped out” under a new law that will see legal protections removed from thousands of square miles of classified forest and unprecedented power handed to...

Little Progress Made in Tackling Air Pollution in Europe, Research Says

Little progress has been made on tackling air quality in Europe, new research shows, despite public outcry in many countries and increasing awareness of the health impacts of pollution.Levels of the dangerous...

Eden Project to Begin Drilling for Clean Geothermal Energy

A plan to heat the giant biomes of the Eden Project and, eventually, neighbouring communities by tapping into the “hot rocks” beneath the Cornish attraction has moved a step closer.The Eden Project...

Unprecedented Momentum for Green Hydrogen

Hydrogen from renewable energy could play a central role in the global energy transformation, the latest report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) finds. ‘Hydrogen: a renewable energy perspective’ estimates that...

Carmakers Among Key Opponents of Climate Action

Global carmakers are among the leading opponents of action on the climate crisis, according to exclusive analysis of the way major corporations frustrate or undermine initiatives to cut greenhouse gases.The research for...

New Challenges Facing Europe’s Waste Water Treatment Plants Present Opportunities

More investment is needed to make urban waste water treatment plants fit to meet the difficult challenges posed by the impacts of climate change, as well as the presence of antibiotics and...

Insecticide Blamed for the Deaths of 200 Native Birds in Australia

An insecticide is likely to be behind the deaths of almost 200 native birds in northeast Victoria, environment officials believe.After dead wedge-tailed eagles were found near Violet Town in August the state’s...

Populations of UK’s Most Important Wildlife Have Plummeted Since 1970

Populations of the UK’s most important wildlife have plummeted by an average of 60% since 1970, according to the most comprehensive analysis to date.The State of Nature report also found that the...

Europe’s Circular Economy Still in Its Infancy

Circular material use can minimise waste and resource extraction, improve resource efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to conserving biodiversity. However, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today,...

EU Imposes Hen Welfare Standards on Egg Imports for First Time

A trade agreement to import produce into the European Union is set to be conditional upon animal welfare requirements for the first time.Eggs imported from Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay to member...

Resalta and EIF Developing Energy-Efficient Europe

The European Investment Fund (EIF) will provide EUR 6 million of new equity capital to the innovative Slovenian provider of energy efficiency solutions Resalta. This capital increase will help Resalta evolve from...

World’s First 5-Country Biosphere Reserve Nominated to UNESCO

Today, thirty years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia submitted an historic UNESCO application to establish the first 5-country biosphere reserve in the world. With...

Protecting Europe’s Land and Soil Resources Is Fundamental for a Sustainable Future

Land and soil underpin life on our planet. The way we currently use these vital and finite resources in Europe is not sustainable. Human activities — growing cities and infrastructure networks, intensive...

Iberia and the World Tourism Organization Team Up for Sustainable Tourism

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, and the CEO of Iberia, Luis Gallego, have signed a cooperation agreement in favour of sustainable tourism, at the headquarters of the...



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