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Better Latte Than Never… Compostable Coffee Pods Go on Sale

The first compostable one-cup coffee pods from a major manufacturer will go on sale this week in a battle to stop the 20bn pods used every year around the world from ending...

Campaigners Try Again to Stop Norway Drilling for Oil in Arctic

Climate campaigners are taking Norway’s government back to court to oppose its plans to open the Arctic for oil drilling despite a public commitment to tackle the environmental crisis.Greenpeace Nordic and Norway’s...

Getting Creative with Coral Reef Conservation

This week in Los Angeles, 15,000 people will be attending one of the biggest creativity conferences in the world, Adobe MAX. It’s not the kind of event that is normally associated with...

Confrontation: Small Hydropower Plants and Big Issues

We asked two experts if the construction of small hydropower plants is a national interest, or a public interest is to stop the process of further construction of these power plants, and...

New Standards for Air Conditioners and Refrigerators Set to Tackle Climate Change

Growing demand for air conditioning units and refrigerators is threatening to accelerate global warming, but new guidelines could help reduce emissions by setting clear performance standards for new appliances.The new model guidelines...

Number 16 – November 2019

When the second issue of the electronic bulletin dedicated to the COP 21 Conference on Climate Change was being prepared in November 2015, the aim of the Editorial board of Energy portal was to...

Spain Offers to Host UN Climate Conference After Chile Cancellation

Spain has offered to host the COP25 UN climate conference in December after weeks of violent protests forced the Chilean government to cancel both the global environmental meeting and next month’s Apec...

Electric Cars Could Be Charged in 10 Minutes in Future, Finds Research

New battery technology could give electric cars more than 200 miles of charge in as little as 10 minutes, according to new research.Lithium ion batteries have had a dramatic impact because of...

How to Manage Air Quality Data

As part of the “FOI-4-ALL“ competition, conducted by the Bureau for Social Research in cooperation with the Partners for Democratic Change Serbia, and Law Scanner, the Fractal organization has got down to...

Bus-Sized Fatberg Weighing 40 Tonnes Cleared from London Sewer

A 40-tonne fatberg the size of a double-decker bus has been cleared from a London sewer by Thames Water engineers who pulled out some of it by hand.The mass of fat, grease...

Oktoberfest ‘Produces 10 Times as Much Methane as Boston’

For the millions of people who descend on Munich for the annual bash, Oktoberfest is a celebration of beer, bands and bratwurst.But as the dust settles for another year on the world’s...

Offshore Windfarms ‘Can Provide More Electricity Than the World Needs’

Erecting wind turbines on the world’s best offshore sites could provide more than enough clean energy to meet global electricity demand, according to a report.A detailed study of the world’s coastlines has...

Free Running Challenge that Enables Users to Compete with a Wild Snow Leopard

Aiming to highlight the need to conserve the world’s endangered wildlife, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), adidas Runtastic further supported by Internet of Elephants and the Snow Leopard Trust launched a running...

Melting Glaciers Reveal Five New Islands in the Arctic

The Russian navy says it has discovered five new islands revealed by melting glaciers in the remote Arctic.An expedition in August and September charted the islands, which have yet to be named...

Home Sweet Home

For thousands of years, people have used straw to build their homes. According to scientific knowledge, even African tribes from the Stone Age made houses of this material. The most significant advance...

Renewable Energy to Expand by 50% in Next Five Years – Report

Global supplies of renewable electricity are growing faster than expected and could expand by 50% in the next five years, powered by a resurgence in solar energy.The International Energy Agency (IEA) found...



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