Search results for:climate changE

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California Poised to Hit 50% Renewable Target a Full Decade Ahead of Schedule

Every year, the California Energy Commission releases its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) report, which gives details about the mix of energy experienced by all utilities within the state during the preceding 12...

‘Monumental’: China Launches National Emissions Trading System

China has today announced further details of its forthcoming national emissions trading scheme (ETS), revealing the rollout will start in the energy sector before full implementation from 2020 onwards. In a move that...

CCC Calls for Deep Waste and Energy CO2 Cuts in Wales’ Carbon Budgets

The UK's Committee on Climate Change has today given its recommendations for CO2 cuts in Wales over the next decade, setting out how the region can play a leading role in tackling...

London CO2 Cuts Must be ‘More Ambitious in Scale and Pace’, Mayoral Body Warns

London's economy has grown as greenhouse gas emissions have fallen over the past five years, but future decarbonisation in the capital will "need to be significantly more ambitious both in scale and...

Paris: World Bank Will No Longer Finance Oil and Gas Projects Starting from 2019

In a move meant to aid countries reach greenhouse gas-curbing targets set by the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming, the World Bank has announced that it will stop financing oil...

Jet Fuel Made From Sugar Cane? It’s Not a Flight of Fancy

The aviation industry produces 2 percent of global human-induced carbon dioxide emissions. This share may seem relatively small – for perspective, electricity generation and home heating account for more than 40 percent...

20 Companies Pledge to Phase Out Coal

Twenty companies including Unilever and the Virgin Group announced on Tuesday that they will phase out usage of coal in order to combat climate change. The companies announced their decision at the One...

World Temperatures To Rise By Up To 15% More By 2100 Than Previously Thought, Study Finds

Earlier estimates may have understated the extent by which world temperatures will rise by 2100 by up to 15%, according to a new study published in the journal Nature. In other words, if...

Republican Tax Bill Presents Grave Threat to Alaska’s Tribal Groups

For tribal people in northern Alaska, a Republican tax overhaul that was hastily cobbled together in congressional backrooms 3,000 miles away has raised fears that their entire way of life could be...

World’s Plastic Nightmare May Never End as China’s Demand Set to Soar

First, the good news. On Wednesday, more than 200 countries signed a United Nations resolution to eliminate plastic pollution in our oceans. Now the bad news. China will stop accepting imports of plastic...

Why Transportation Is now the Top Source of US Pollution

With the holidays coming around, it may be a good time to note that the countless miles that Americans will drive, train or fly has a big planetary impact. In fact, the transportation...

UN Decrees Ocean Plastic a ‘Planetary Crisis’

Nations from around the world have agreed a new UN resolution to halt the tide of ocean plastic that scientists warn is poisoning global waters. The agreement acknowledges the urgent need to curb...

‘Buried in marshes’: sea-level rise could destroy historic sites on US east coast

New research shows by the end of the century an increase in sea level will threaten the White House, early colonial settlements and other historic places. Large tracts of America’s east coast heritage...

Wales Urges UK Government to ‘Think Again’ on Onshore Wind Ban

The Welsh Government, RenewableUK and several green groups have jointly called for onshore wind and solar projects to be allowed to compete in future UK clean energy auction rounds, arguing that the...

Carlsberg Launches Its First Carbon-Neutral Brewery In Sweden

Global brewing company Carlsberg Group has this week announced the launch of its first carbon-neutral brewery in Sweden which is now powered 100% by renewable electricity. Carlsberg Sverige’s (Carlsberg Sweden) brewery in Falkenberg,...

California To Meet 2030 Renewable Energy Targets By 2020

A new report from the California Public Utilities Commission has concluded that the state’s major utilities have already met or will all soon exceed the state’s 2020 renewable energy target of 33%,...



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