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‘Most Realistic’ Plant-Based Steak Revealed

The “most realistic” plant-based steak to date has been revealed, mimicking the texture and appearance of a real cut of meat.The fake steak’s ingredients include pea, seaweed and beetroot juice, which are...

UK Could Put Tariffs on Food From Countries With Lower Standards

The UK could introduce tariffs on imports of food from countries with lower food safety and farming standards than the UK, using World Trade Organization rules, the environment secretary has suggested.“We want...

Governments, Smart Data and Wildfires: Where Are We At?

The ongoing bushfires in Australia have focused media attention on wildfires more generally and their link to biodiversity and habitat loss, as well as global heating. We take a look at the some...

The Key to Sustainable Development Is Political Will

The eyes of the entire world are on France when it comes to combating climate change, not only because of the 2015 Paris Agreement, which pledged this country to reduce greenhouse gas...

Nature’s Oasis “Carska Bara”

How Carska bara recovered after the fire incurred by stubble burning and how wildlife is taken care of at the Special nature reserve Carska bara, we asked Dejan Zejak, the manager of...

How to Grow Air?

Recognizing that their fellow citizens have moved too far away from nature due to lack of time and money and with the desire to bring nature directly into their four walls, five...

Good Buzz Travels Fast!

Would you believe us if we revealed to you that one Belgrade-based marketing agency with around 40 employees during just one day in April expanded its working capacity with 72,000 new members...

UK Ethical Consumer Spending Hits Record High, Report Shows

Ethical consumer spending has hit record levels in the UK, according to a new report that reveals the total market – including food, drinks, clothing, energy and eco-travel – has swelled to...

More Than Twenty Thousand Tonnes of Tyres Were Recycled in the First Half of 2019

In a dozen tyre treatment plants in our country, tyres are  collected  through  a  collection  network  organised  by  recyclers.  This  network  includes  its  collecti-on  system,  as  well  as  individuals  and  legal  entity ...

One Degree Serbia Against +2 °C

People in Serbia know little about climate change and its consequences, much less about possible solutions. Most people think that it is a problem someone else should be dealing with and not...

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Linked to Tourism-Related Transport Are Rising

The number of tourists travelling across borders is expected to reach 1.8 billion a year by 2030, according to the latest UNWTO predictions. This will be alongside a further 15.6 billion domestic...

Toward New Technologies and Investments

During the bygone summer, the team of Energy Portal visited the city of Pirot, the administrative centre of the district after which it got the name. Pirot district, which also includes municipalities...

Waiting for a Good Wind to Come

Centre for energy efficiency and sustainable development - CEEFOR ENERGY EFFICIENT SOLUTION as the company devoted to the development of projects, implementation of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources in the...

Energy Efficiency Means More Comfortable Lives and Lower Energy Bills

The global economy is set to double in size over the next 20 years. But that does not mean it will need twice as much energy to power all the extra cars,...

2020 – International Year of Plant Health

The United Nations General Assembly declared 2020 as the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH). The year is a once in a lifetime opportunity to raise global awareness on how protecting plant...

Number 17 – December 2019

Although number 17 is on the cover, this is a small anniversary of our Magazine, given that it is the 10th issue since we redesigned our bulletin into Magazine and started printing...



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