Search results for:sustainable energy

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KPA Unicon and Koskisen Oy have signed an operations and maintenance contract

The aim of the contract is cooperation which allows Koskisen Oy to focus on their core business, and to support the achievement of profit targets and the customer's production targets as well...

The Fourth Green Week Day – Safeguarding our Oceans for the Future

Thursday looked at investing in our oceans to ensure that they stay healthy and productive for future generations. Participants across Europe explored the potential of our oceans – if used responsibly –...

ALEKSANDRA MLADENOVIC: Business sector does not like “green” stories very much

Sustainable development implies balance between the consumption of natural resources and the ability to restore natural systems. There is no precise definition, even in the dictionaries at the beginning of the 20th...

BRANKO DUNJIC: The Best and the Most Successful Companies have Integrated Principles of Clean Production in the Basis of Their Business

UNIDO (United Nations Development Organization) is the United Nation’s specialised agency that promotes sustainable industrial development. UNIDO encourages the reduction of poverty in developing countries, as well as development of economy in...

Number 3 – May 2016

Investments in environmental projects, especially in pollute the environment clean, environmentally friendly technologies represent with their operation. priorities that have been identified in the Republic Investors undertake of Serbia’s strategic documents, such...

China’s new 5-year plan is out, and it doesn’t sacrifice the environment for the economy

On Wednesday, Chinese lawmakers approved the country’s 13th Five-Year Plan, the high-level document that will guide policymaking through 2020, including the country’s approach to climate and energy policy. As the world’s second-largest...

Earth Hour shines a light on climate action

This Earth Hour, Saturday, 19 March 2016 8:30 p.m. local time, as the world’s most iconic landmarks prepare to switch off their lights, supporters will be invited to take a stand for...

EU Ministers call on the EU to live up to its Paris commitments

Many EU Environment Ministers discussing implications of the Paris Agreement for EU climate and energy policies today acknowledged that the EU must ramp up its climate targets in line with the Paris...

WBA publishes a new factsheet on the global potential of biomass by 2035

The World Bioenergy Association (WBA) is pleased to announce the release of the factsheet ‘Global biomass potential towards 2035’ – the ninth in the series of publications. This comes at the opportune...

China’s new wind power capacity hits record high

China's newly installed wind power capacity reached a record high in 2015 amid increasing efforts from the government to boost clean energy. The new wind power capacity jumped to 32.97 gigawatts last...

The smart money is going green

Last month, the world reached a landmark agreement on climate change in Paris. This week, business leaders gathered in Davos for the World Economic Forum need to start breathing life into that...

Belgrade Has Regional Significance and the Duty To Be the Leader

Secretariat for environmental protection presented the Action plan for adaptation to climate change on 19th November 2015. This is just one of the activities that is in accordance with the ambitions and...

KPA Unicon to supply a biomass-fired boiler plant to Stora Enso sawmill in Sweden

Stora Enso Timber Ab and KPA Unicon Oy have signed a contract of a biomass-fired hot water boiler plant delivery to Stora Enso sawmill Ala in Ljusne, Sweden. The new Unicon Biograte...

Enviromental Protection is Primary Program for Companies

French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce has expended its number of members during 2015. and now it counts 130 companies. The chamber promotes arrival of French companies to Serbia form its foundation and it...

EBRD boosts steel dust recycling in Turkey

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is promoting industrial waste recycling in Turkey with a US$ 20 million loan to Befesa Silvermet İskenderun Çelik Tozu Geri Dönüşümü A.Ş., a company...

Vattenfall partners up with AMF in wind farm agreement

Vattenfall has signed a GBP 237 million (approx. SEK 3 billion) deal to partner-up with leading Swedish pension group AMF on an UK off shore wind farm. Vattenfall’s partnership strategy aims at...



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