Search results for:climate changE

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Costa Rica’s New President Vows ‘Emancipation’ From Dirty Transport

Carlos Alvarado Quesada, the president-elect of Costa Rica, plans to continue the country's extraordinary stewardship of the environment with a pledge to decarbonize its transportation sector. On Sunday, he promised that one day...

China Joins World Green Building Council Community

China's Green Building Council has officially partnered with the World Green Building Council in a major boost to international efforts to curb the environmental impact of the building and construction sectors, the...

Half a Degree of Warming Makes a Big Difference to Global Food Security, Study Finds

A study published Monday indicates that it makes a big difference to global food security whether signatories to the Paris agreement are able to keep global temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels,...

Melting Permafrost Emits More Methane Than Scientists Thought

Methane emissions are the source of the greenhouse gas which, after carbon dioxide, probably causes climatologists more sleepless nights than any of the other gases. And now it appears they have quite...

How Smartphones Are Heating Up the Planet

When we think about climate change, the main sources of carbon emissions that come to mind for most of us are heavy industries like petroleum, mining and transportation. Rarely do we point the...

Coffee’s Environmental Footprint Should Be Harder to Swallow Than Dubious Cancer Claims

Coffee is not only my favorite drink, it's a necessity (I get headaches from caffeine withdrawal). Even after a California judge decided this week that coffee should come with a cancer warning,...

Saudi Arabia to House World’s Largest Solar Project

According to the most recent data available from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Saudi Arabia is the second largest oil producer in the world. It produces 13 percent of the world's...

Pollution Sources Have Increased More Than 50% In Last 8 Years, China’s Environment Ministry Reports

In relation to a new nationwide survey meant to ascertain the amount of environmental damage done by the last 30 years of rapid growth, China’s environment ministry has revealed that the number...

Land Degradation Threatens Human Wellbeing

Land degradation is undermining the wellbeing of two-fifths of humanity, raising the risks of migration and conflict, according to the most comprehensive global assessment of the problem to date. The UN-backed report underscores...

It’s Time for Samsung to Truly Innovate

Last month at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Samsung announced its new Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+, which only recently hit the market. But the event was unexpectedly quiet this year...

Arctic Sea Ice Hits Second-Lowest Winter Peak on Record

Arctic sea ice has experienced its maximum extent for the year, reaching 14.48 million square kilometers (approximately 5.59 million square miles) on March 17—the second smallest in the 39-year satellite record. The provisional...

Carbon emissions reached a historic high in 2017

Carbon emissions reached a historic high in 2017 according to a new report by a major intergovernmental organisation. Figures released by the International Energy Agency show higher energy demands and a slowing of...

Solar Power Energy Payback Time Is Now Super Short

Some solar power critics seem to enjoy trying to point out that the energy payback time for solar power is too long, and therefore this form of renewable energy is not valid....

Emissions Must Fall By Mid-Century to Meet Paris Temperature Goals, Study Finds

With the exception of the U.S., every country in the world has now expressed an intention to honor the Paris agreement, which means they have all committed to limiting global warming to...

‘Repowering’ Older Onshore Wind Turbines Could Save Billpayers Millions, Analysis Finds

Upgrading the UK's existing onshore wind farms as they reach the end of their operational lives would provide a highly cost-effective way to boost cheap, low carbon electricity generation for years to...

Research Finds Extreme Temperature Fluctuations Linked To Increased Rates Of Heart Attacks

Temperatures along the East Coast began fluctuating wildly last month, from winter-like cold one day — which is normal for February — to summer-like hot the next day — which is anything but. This is a portentous harbinger...



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