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Stanford Engineers: Here’s How 139 Countries Can Avoid Blackouts With 100% Clean Energy

Renewable energy solutions are often hindered by the inconsistencies of power produced by wind, water and sunlight and the continuously fluctuating demand for energy. New research by Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor...

‘The Beginning of the End of Coal’: Chile Unveils Coal Phase Out Plan

The global push to phase out unabated coal power chalked up a major victory this week, as Chile announced it would ban the development of new coal power plants without carbon capture...

Green Tech Will Be Everywhere in 2018: Politics Cannot Stop the Revolution

In 2017, clean power gathered unprecedented momentum. Multiple automakers launched entire families of electric vehicles (EVs), including the most exciting one yet, Tesla's Model 3. With climate change problems mounting, national and local...

Jovana Mehandžić Đurđić: Free Charging of Electric Cars at IKEA

We have all heard of the Swedish giant IKEA - the world's leading retail chain with a wide range of home decor products. The main concept of IKEA involves developing products that...

Puerto Rico Gov. to Bolster Island’s Electric Grid With Renewables as Lights Go Out Again

Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello sent out a tweet boasting about the island finally reaching a 50 percent power threshold after Hurricane Maria wiped out the electric grid 56 days ago. "Then 'boom'...

China Is Showing the World What Renewable Energy Dominance Looks Like

The growth of solar energy continues to outpace forecasts and this growth, according to a report published Wednesday by the International Energy Agency, (IEA) "is a China story." While China today is far...

The Use of Renewable Energy in Bulgaria Grew by Almost 10%

The consumption of energy from renewable sources has increased by nearly ten percent in Bulgaria during the first seven months of 2017, according to data from the Electricity System Operator, announced on...

Indian Point, Closest Nuclear Plant to New York City, Set to Retire by 2021

In January 2017, Entergy Nuclear and the state of New York reached an agreement to retire the two nuclear reactors at the Indian Point Energy Center, located in Buchanan, New York, about...

Making Freshwater from the Sun

To reduce the use of non-renewable groundwater and still meet growing water needs, the production of desalinated seawater in the MENA region is projected to be 13 times higher in 2040 compared...

Trianel Toasts 17MW in Germany

Trianel Erneuerbare Energien has commissioned the 17.25MW Buchenau wind farm in Hesse in Germany. The project was developed by ABO Wind and acquired by Trianel last August. It features five Vestas V126...

Morocco Lights the Way for Africa on Renewable Energy

As the host of this year’s COP22 climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco has been keen to demonstrate its green credentials and make this COP the “African COP”. In the past year, Morocco...

How sun, salt and glass could help solve our energy needs

High in the stark Nevada desert, a couple of hundred miles north-west of Las Vegas, is the shimmering circular mirage of Crescent Dunes. Ten thousand silvery glass panels, each measuring 115 square...

More than 8 Million People Were Employed Worldwide in the Renewable Sector

A boom in solar and wind power jobs in the US led the way to a global increase in renewable energy employment to more than 8 million people in 2015, according to...

Renewable energy increased in 2015

Renewable generation capacity increased by 152 gigawatts (GW) or 8.3% during 2015, the highest annual growth rate on record, according to  new data released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable...



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