Search results for:res serbia

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UNESCO declares Mura-Drava-Danube as biosphere reserve

With the world facing climate and nature crises, UNESCO’s designation today of the Mura-Drava-Danube as the world’s first ‘5-country biosphere reserve’ represents a historic step towards a new era for people and nature in...

RES for Our Health and Survival

The Association Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia (RES Serbia) has taken only three months to become a significant factor in Serbia’s green market and be acknowledged as a regional player. It is a...

EBRD, EU and Austria finance energy efficiency in Serbia’s homes

Households in Serbia are set to benefit from the further expansion of the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) with a new EUR 5 million loan in local currency provided by the European...

eVOC Serbia Project-For the Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions

Serbia is engaged in intensive preparation of its negotiating position for Chapter 27, dedicated to environment and climate. In the process of EU accession, one of the key points for our institutions...

The IED Serbia Project – For the Efficient Prevention and Better Control of Environmental Pollution

Through project “Further Implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive – IED Serbia”, implemented over the past three years, Sweden has supported our country both at institutional and individual companies level, with the...

EBRD and EU Support Packaging Producer in Serbia

Packaging is a crucial feature of successful product marketing and greatly influences business and sales growth. Comex, a Serbian company specialising in the production of flexible food and non-food packaging and wrapping...

Secretariat Opens Dispute Settlement Procedure Against Serbia Concerning Environmental Impact Assessment for the Drmno Coal Mine

The Secretariat sent an Opening Letter to Serbia addressing the failure to carry out an environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the extension of the Drmno coal mine in the Kostolac basin in...

EBRD supports coal transition in Kragujevac, Serbia

Kragujevac, the fourth-largest city in Serbia, will make a big leap in its transition away from coal, thanks to an EUR 18 million loan provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and...

Study Finds Limiting Renewable Energy Growth Would Result In Higher U.S. Power Costs

With declining costs for renewable energy technologies, interest has turned to how that might translate into the total system costs of integrating more renewable energy on the U.S. grid. National Renewable Energy Laboratory...

How to go Solar in Serbia

With many sunny days, Serbia has great potential for solar energy. However, the use of solar power in residential buildings and individual houses is still in its early stages. The country’s recently...

Four Laws on Energy and Mining Were on the Agenda of the Serbian Parliament

Yesterday, two new laws were discussed - on the use of renewable energy sources, and energy efficiency and rational use of energy, as well as the amendments to the Law on Energy...

How Technology Helped Serbia Save 180 Million Sheets of Paper in Less Than Four Years

Digitalization and e-governance can seem like abstract concepts.But, in a session at the World Economic Forum's Global Technology Governance Summit, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić gave an example of how going virtual can...

Secretariat Welcomes European Parliament’s Resolutions on Enlargement Progress Reports

The European Parliament has recently adopted resolutions on the 2019-2020 Commission enlargement progress reports on Albania, Kosovo*, North Macedonia and Serbia. On the basis of the Secretariat’s expert input in the drafting...

AFD Approves EUR 50 mln to Support Serbia’s Reform Agenda on Climate Change

The French Development Agency (AFD) Foreign States Committee has approved on Wednesday the first phase of a Public Policy Loan program to support Serbia’s reform agenda on climate change. Under this program comprising...

Energy Goals Set, Green Results are Expected

Renewable energy sources, environmental protection, and the pursuit of climate change mitigation have long been global goals, the achievement of which should lead to a new, significantly different concept of life on...

Secretariat Initiates Dispute Settlement Procedures Against Four Contracting Parties in Relation to NERPs

Secretariat launched dispute settlement procedures against Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia and Serbia for not meeting their NERP ceilings for the reporting years 2018 and 2019. NERPs (National Emission Reduction Plans)...



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