Search results for:public transport

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Making Surroundings Cleaner and more Pleasant for all the Citizens of Vrsac

Dragan Ninkovic, a traffic engineer, had worked at “Autocentar Petrovic” before he got a position of a director of “Parking - Sabac”, the Public Utility Company. He was a member of the...

‘Finally Some Good News Out of Washington’: Nation’s Capital to Go 100% Renewable by 2032

Washington, DC made history Tuesday when its council voted unanimously to transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2032, the Huffington Post reported.The commitment is part of the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018, which...

Electric Buses Roll Out in São Paulo

The BYD buses are scheduled to enter operations in March 2019.BYD has delivered a series of electric buses as part of a zero emissions pilot project in the Brazilian city of São Paulo. Equipped with...

UN: We Must End All Subsidies for Fossil Fuels

 To keep voters and consumers happy, governments around the world spend between $160 billion and $400 billion each year on subsidies for the production and use of coal, oil and gas. The...

World’s Largest E-Bike Fleet to Roll out in Paris Region

I love electric bikes. They're a great, low-carbon transportation option that requires much less work than traditional pedal bikes. So it's exciting news that the Paris region is rolling out a massive...

Biking for Beers in Bologna

The Italian city of Bologna is offering discounts on products such as beer, ice creams and cinema tickets for people who adopt greener forms of transportation. Its ‘Bella Mossa’ scheme, which roughly translates...

Uber to Introduce Clean Air Fee to All London Rides

Uber will charge its customers in London an extra 15p per mile on every trip to help its drivers buy electric cars. The ride-hailing app hopes to create a £200m fund from the levy to...

Greenpeace Report: Europe Has 10 Years Left to Ditch Fossil Fuel Cars

Europe must phase out the sales of new gasoline- and diesel-fueled cars by 2028 if it wants to live up to its Paris climate agreement emissions-reduction pledges, according to new research by...

Eva Kail: Vienna Acts Against the Climate Change

Eva Kail, The Gender Planning Expert for the Executive Group for Construction and Technology, the City of Vienna A survey conducted by Mercer, an international consulting firm, has shown that there’s no place...

How Helsinki Arrived at the Future of Urban Travel First?

Harri Nieminen decided it was time to replace his car with an app. He had owned a car in Helsinki for the past nine years but recently found he’d lost the patience for...

Hamburg Bans Diesel Cars on Two of Its Roads

Hamburg has banned older diesel vehicles on two of its roads in a bid to reduce pollution. The move makes it the first German city to introduce such a ruling – the measure...

Electric Buses Put the Big Hurt on Fossil Fuel Companies

Change is a funny thing. You can’t see it, hear it, feel it, or taste it, but one day you look around and suddenly, there it is. Isbrand Ho, managing director for...

Arne Sannes Bjørnstad, The Ambassador of Norway: It is Important to Maintain the Resources We Have

It is known that the Kingdom of Norway belongs to the group of biggest polluters per capita, which is an inglorious record, that is credited to another title – this Scandinavian country is...

Oslo To Add 70 Electric Buses By Summer Of 2019

Norway is proud of its reputation as a center for electric cars in Europe but until now, its public transportation fleet has not been as green as it might be. That will...


Katarina MilenkovicKatarina Milenkovic–President of citizen’s society “Ama Centre” and the coordinator of “Bastaliste” Katarina Milenkovic graduated communication from a Faculty of Political Sciences, the University of Belgrade. She was engaged in journalism and...

More Americans Are Working From Home — And It’s Better for the Environment

There’s no doubting the transformative power of technology. Advances in tech have led to new and improved entertainment experiences, from allowing us to stream our favorite shows on-demand to immersing us in...



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