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Off-grid Solar to Help Myanmar Bring Electricity to All by 2030

Four feet in length, of aggressive disposition, and deadly poisonous: you don’t want to stand on a Russell’s viper in the dark. Especially if there’s no antivenom for miles around. Yet that’s...

USAID Announces $4 Million to Solar Start-ups for African Off-Grid Energy

At the 22nd session of the UN Climate conference (COP 22), Power Africa Coordinator Andrew M. Herscowitz announced $4 million in new investments to eight companies that are revolutionizing household solar power...

Climate-Friendly Transport in Chinese Cities

Traffic in China’s cities is steadily increasing. GIZ is advising the country on how to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and make the transport sector more climate friendly. Climate change mitigation is a major...

Air Pollution more Deadly in Africa than Malnutrition or Dirty Water, Study Warns

Africa’s air pollution is causing more premature deaths than unsafe water or childhood malnutrition, and could develop into a health and climate crisis reminiscent of those seen in China and India, a...

Renault-Nissan Alliance Named Official COP22 Passenger Car Partner with Zero-emission Fleet

The Renault-Nissan Alliance, world leader in zero-emission mobility, will provide a fleet of 50 all-electric vehicles as the official passenger-car provider for the United Nations' COP22 Climate Conference in Marrakech, Morocco. The...

Six Billion Plastic Bags Can’t Be Wrong – so What Do we Tax Next?

In the first six months of the 5p charge in England, 6bn fewer bags were handed out. Watch out coffee cups and plastic bottles. England’s plastic bag charge was a long time coming...

Fast food Chains Largest Contributors of Carbon Emissions: Study

Rapidly growing multinational fast food chains in India are the largest contributors to hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) emissions and could add the equivalent of nearly one million tonnes of carbon emissions by 2020, says a new...

Aqos developing solar-powered car

According to Balkan Energy News,  team of designers and entrepreneurs based in Belgrade is working on solutions to reduce the car industry’s share in greenhouse gas emissions. Saša Milovančević, one of the...

Humble moss helped create our oxygen-rich atmosphere

The evolution of the first land plants including mosses may explain a long-standing mystery of how Earth's atmosphere became enriched with oxygen, according to an international study led by the University of...

Researchers Assess Power Plants that Convert all of their CO2 Emissions into Carbon Nanotubes

Last year, researchers at George Washington University proposed a method for transforming CO2 emissions into carbon nanotubes (CNTs). When applied to power plants, the technology could completely eliminate the power plants' CO2...

EIB Agrees New Investment Totalling EUR 7.4 Billion

The Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank  approved EUR 7.4 billion of new financing for 38 projects across Europe and around the world. Negotiations for the approved loans are expected...

ALEKSANDRA MLADENOVIC: Business sector does not like “green” stories very much

Sustainable development implies balance between the consumption of natural resources and the ability to restore natural systems. There is no precise definition, even in the dictionaries at the beginning of the 20th...

India introduces car sales tax to combat pollution

India has introduced a new tax on car sales aimed at helping fight high levels of air pollution and congestion. The surprise move, announced by the finance minister, Arun Jaitley, is a...

The Dimming of Diesel Fuel’s Future in Cars

Diesel automobiles, which are more fuel-efficient than their gasoline-powered counterparts, were always supposed to shield their owners from some of the impact of oil-price spikes.All told, roughly 20 percent of new cars...

Solar Means Business 2015: Top U.S. Corporate Solar Users

More of America’s businesses are choosing to install solar than ever before. Walmart once again took the top spot among America’s businesses in the electric generation capacity of its solar investments and...



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