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Meat and Dairy Emissions Could Surpass Those from Largest Oil Firms

The largest meat and dairy producers could surpass major oil companies as the largest contributors to environmental pollution.That’s according to a new report from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)...

Extreme Heat Wave in Quebec May Have Killed 70

The death toll in Quebec's heat wave last week may have reached as many as 70, officials said Tuesday, as temperatures exceeded 100 degrees F. Thirty-four of those deaths were in Montreal, where...

Starbucks to Ditch Plastic Straws Globally by 2020 to Help Environment

Starbucks will eliminate plastic straws from its stores globally by 2020, in a nod to the growing push for businesses to be more environmentally friendly. The Seattle-based company said on Monday it will...

Summer Heat Waves Break Records Across Northern Hemisphere

The summer of 2018 is shaping up to be one for the record books. Locations across the Northern Hemisphere have recorded their hottest temperatures ever this past week, the Washington Post reported...

US and Russia ‘to Dominate Global Pipeline Expenditure to 2022’

The US and Russia will dominate global capital expenditure on planned oil and gas pipelines up until 2022.That’s according to data and analytics company GlobalData, which says the nations are set to...

One Football Pitch of Forest Lost every Second in 2017, Data Reveals

The world lost more than one football pitch of forest every second in 2017, according to new data from a global satellite survey, adding up to an area equivalent to the whole...

Fear of Humans Is Forcing Daytime Animals into Night Mode

Thanks to human activity, some daytime animals are switching over to the night shift.Justin Brashares noticed it first in 2013, when he was studying olive baboons in Ghana: during times that humans...

Without Bees, the Foods We Love Will Be Lost (VIDEO)

Right now, we're in a real crisis when it comes to bees.Every year, about a third of our honeybee colonies collapse. And the 4,000 native bee species in the United States suffer...

Uber to Boost EV Network With Driver Incentives

 Uber launched a new program to increase access to electric vehicles for drivers and riders, the company announced Tuesday.The "EV Champions Initiative" offers financial incentives to some EV drivers; an in-app feature...

Hitting Toughest Climate Target Will Save World $30tn in Damages, Analysis Shows

Achieving the toughest climate change target set in the global Paris agreement will save the world about $30tn in damages, far more than the costs of cutting carbon emissions, according to a...

Are Fossil Fuels out of Fashion at the UN Climate Talks?

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) prides itself for including both Parties and Non-party stakeholders in their decision making processes. A perspective that is suspicious towards the legitimacy of...

Air Pollution Inequality Widens Between Rich and Poor Nations

Pollution inequality between the world’s rich and poor is widening, according to the latest global data from the World Health Organisation (WHO) which shows that 7 million people – mostly in developing...

EU Agrees Total Ban on Bee-Harming Pesticides

The European Union will ban the world’s most widely used insecticides from all fields due to the serious danger they pose to bees. The ban on neonicotinoids, approved by member nations on Friday,...

US Coal Exports Rose 61% In 2017, Recovering From Drops In Previous Years

US coal exports rose by 61% in 2017 (by a total of 36.7 million short tons), largely on the back of increased shipments to Asia and steady shipments to Europe, going by...

India Beats North America, Europe, & Japan In 2017 Solar Additions

Those aggressive auction timelines by the central and several state governments in India have finally resulted in the Asian giant taking the limelight in the global solar power market. According to the International...

Climate Change Could Set Off Volcanoes

We can add volcanic eruptions to the list of potential climate change hazards. In a presentation at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly held from April 8 to 13, University of Clermont Auvergne...



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