Search results for:Spain

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The EU Banned Almost All Coal Mining on Jan 1

Every unprofitable coal mine in the European Union must cease production by the first day of 2019, the date on which all public funds for the mines will come to an end....

Scotland Considers Continental Wildcats to Save Native Species from Extinction

Releasing ‘pure’ animals could counter interbreeding with domestic cats, experts say.Conservationists could release wildcats captured from other European countries in the Scottish Highlands in a final effort to protect Scotland’s population from...

Global Solar Installations to Soar 18% in 2019

A new report expects new worldwide solar capacity to total 123GW in the next year. Global solar installations are forecast to rise 18% through 2019.That’s the verdict from a new report published by IHS Markit, which...

Number of Dirty Diesels on Road Still Growing, Report Shows

The number of dirty diesel vehicles pumping out toxic emissions on Europe’s streets is still rising three years after the Dieselgate scandal began, according to a new report. More than 7m such...

UP Project Leads to World’s First Lion Cubs Born Through Artificial Insemination

A lioness at the Ukutula Conservation Center (UCC) and Biobank, in South Africa North’s West province has given birth to two cubs conceived via non-surgical artificial insemination (AI), using fresh semen collected...

Last Year Was Warmest Ever That Didn’t Feature an El Niño, Report Finds

Last year was the warmest ever recorded on Earth that didn’t feature an El Niño, a periodic climatic event that warms the Pacific Ocean, according to the annual state of the climate...

Temperatures in South-West Europe Could Break 48C Record This Weekend

Large parts of southern and western Europe are expected to experience high temperatures this weekend with forecasters warning that thermometers could reach up to 48C in Spain.Holidaymakers bound for the Iberian peninsula...

EU Lends €80m to Develop Greener Vehicle Components

CIE Automotive will invest the money in its plants in seven countries A global supplier for the car industry has been granted €80 million (£71m) to develop innovative technologies that ensure more efficient...

The Arctic Is Burning: Wildfires Rage from Sweden to Alaska

There are currently 11 wildfires blazing in the Arctic circle, The Guardian reported Wednesday. While fires are also raging in Russia, Norway and Finland, Sweden has seen the most extensive Arctic fires, which...

Illegal Ivory Found on Sale in 10 European Countries

Illegal ivory has been found on sale in 10 European countries, contravening international efforts to cut down on the trade which campaigners say encourages the poaching of elephants.The campaigning group Avaaz bought...

Fear of Humans Is Forcing Daytime Animals into Night Mode

Thanks to human activity, some daytime animals are switching over to the night shift.Justin Brashares noticed it first in 2013, when he was studying olive baboons in Ghana: during times that humans...

EU Raises Renewable Energy Targets to 32% by 2030

The EU is raising its target for the amount of energy it consumes from renewable sources, in a deal lauded by the bloc’s climate chief as a hard-won victory for the switch...

Plastic Killed Most Sperm Whales Found Dead in Greek Waters Since 2001

More than a third of the sperm whales found dead in the eastern Mediterranean since 2011 were killed by plastic debris, researchers from the Pelagos Cetacean Research Institute in Athens found. Necropsies on...

European Investment Bank Commits €50 Million To Build 9 Spanish Wind Farms With 300 Megawatts Of Capacity

The European Investment Bank announced on Thursday that it would commit €50 million in loans to finance 9 wind power projects developed by the Spanish firm Forestalia Renovables which will be built...

Siemens Gamesa Awarded Turbine Supply For Four Spanish Wind Farms

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy announced on Monday that it had been awarded the contract to supply wind turbines for four separate wind farms in Spain by developer Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables, for...

‘Repowering’ Older Onshore Wind Turbines Could Save Billpayers Millions, Analysis Finds

Upgrading the UK's existing onshore wind farms as they reach the end of their operational lives would provide a highly cost-effective way to boost cheap, low carbon electricity generation for years to...



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