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FundsEBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) helps Serbia to produce energy from renewable sources by providing loans to the Electric Power Industry of Serbia...

UN Urges Europe to Boost Environmental Ambition to Fight Planetary Crisis

Despite progress in certain areas, governments in the pan-European region must show far greater ambition in tackling climate change, protecting ecosystems and managing and tackling waste and pollution, stresses a new UN...

The World Must Halt Deforestation and Use Forests Sustainably, FAO Director-General says

The world must halt deforestation, plant trees to make the planet greener and restore productive capacities, and use forests and trees sustainably, QU Dongyu, the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization...

Greenpeace: Our transport system is fuelling the multiple crises we’re facing

With extreme heat, floods and fires, the highest inflation in decades, unprecedented energy price-hikes, a looming energy shortfall and a war on European soil, the world feels like it’s at a crossroads....

Municipality on the Path to Green Transformation and Economic Development

In the central part of Serbia, there is a settlement of medieval origin – Lapovo. By royal decree, once a large Serbian village, in 1896, it was declared a small town. Today,...

How Digital Technology and Innovation Can Help Protect the Planet

For many countries around the world, from the US and the UK to China and Japan, July was one of the hottest months since global record-keeping began in the 1800s. The global...

New Report Shows the Importance of Discouraging Wildlife Crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Crimes against nature and the environment are the fourth most lucrative activity of organized crime in the world, after human, drugs and weapon trafficking. The cost of crimes against nature and the environment...

Energy Security: France Takes Emergency Measures to Boost Renewables

France gets around 20 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources – 8 per cent from wind energy, but it needs more to meet its climate goals while reinforcing energy security....

How Can A Life-Cycle Approach Curb The Plastic Pollution Crisis?

At the recent United Nations Ocean Conference, another 22 governments agreed to join the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, which unites stakeholders around the goal of transitioning towards a circular economy for...

Leveraging Urban Agriculture to Support Cities

Cities, which occupy just 3 percent of the Earth’s land, account for up to 80 percent of energy consumption and 75 percent of carbon emissions.  By 2050, nearly 70 percent of the global...

We are not Alone on the Path to Green Transformation

Less developed countries are torn between the struggle to preserve energy stability and the domestic economy on the one hand and the pressures imposed by the global energy transition on the other....

Recycled Material Made from Wood Shavings and Sawdust – “Cured” Wood Stronger Than Steel

Recycling wood waste, including wood shavings and sawdust, into a building material stronger than steel – that’s a brief way of describing the experiment carried out by researchers at the University of...

UN Environment Programme And European Investment Bank Join Forces To Reduce Pollution In The Marine And Coastal Environment

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) launched the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Mediterranean Pollution Hot Spots Technical Assistance initiative, which aims to reduce pollution in the Mediterranean...

EU Energy Ministers Endorse Faster Permitting Of Renewables

The EU Energy Ministers have agreed their position on changes to the Renewable Energy Directive and Energy Efficiency Directive, paving the way for faster build-out of renewables and streamlined permitting for wind...

Safari Under Our Feet

They are certainly not the cutest creatures, and it is true that they can cause a lot of fear and distress in many, despite their size. It is an understatement that they...

The Interlinked Threats Facing Lakes and Why we Need to Protect Them

Across the world, lakes fed by rivers, glacial melt, groundwater and rain have played an important role in human civilization and development. They contain 90 percent of the fresh water on the...



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