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Rhino poaching and illegal trade decline but remain critical threats – new report

Overall rhino poaching rates have declined since 2018, and trade data suggests the lowest annual estimate of rhino horns entering illegal trade markets since 2013, according to a new report by the...

Droughts are Getting Worse Around the World, Here’s Why and What Needs to be Done

The Po, Italy’s longest river, has been a vital transport hub throughout history helping the north of the country develop into an industrial powerhouse. But “the king of rivers” is now drying...

Young People Call for Intergenerational Solidarity on the Climate Crisis

Young people bear a disproportionate burden of the environmental crises the world faces today, which will impact their future. Research shows that many young people feel frustrated and unheard, creating a sense...

Ban on Export of all Types of Oil Lifted

The Serbian government decided to lift the ban on the export of all types of oil after a complete review of the state of stocks, as well as record areas under sunflower...

The Future of Panthera Tigris in Thailand and Globally

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest wild cat species in the world, and is listed as Endangered under the IUCN Red List in 2011. The tiger is also protected under the...

Historical success – Nepal doubled the number of wild tigers

WWF is delighted to congratulate Nepal for successfully doubling its tiger population to an estimate of 355 individuals - an increase of more than  190 per cent since 2009. Those are the...

As Heatwaves Blanket Europe, Cities Turn to Nature for Solutions

Heat records continue to topple across the globe as concurrent heatwaves bake multiple countries. From the United States to Europe and China to Japan, extreme temperatures have soared for weeks, killing hundreds of...

Migratory Monarch Butterfly now Endangered – IUCN Red List Gland

The global sturgeon reassessment published reveals that 100 percent of the world’s remaining 26 sturgeon species are now at risk of extinction, up from 85 percent in 2009. The assessments are based...

Leveraging Urban Agriculture to Support Cities

Cities, which occupy just 3 percent of the Earth’s land, account for up to 80 percent of energy consumption and 75 percent of carbon emissions.  By 2050, nearly 70 percent of the global...

Five Threats To the Water That Sustains our Farms

Since the 1950s, innovations like synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and high-yield cereals have helped humanity dramatically increase the amount of food it grows. But those inventions would be moot without agriculture’s most precious...

A New Declaration to Help Save our Oceans

Last week, world leaders adopted a landmark declaration at the United Nations’ Ocean Conference in Lisbon to scale up science-based and innovative actions and address the ocean emergency of habitat loss, ocean...

Limited Prices Of Basic Foodstuffs

At session, the government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Decree on limiting the price of basic foodstuffs, in order to protect the market and prevent distortions in the formation of...

UN Environment Programme And European Investment Bank Join Forces To Reduce Pollution In The Marine And Coastal Environment

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) launched the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Mediterranean Pollution Hot Spots Technical Assistance initiative, which aims to reduce pollution in the Mediterranean...

EU Energy Ministers Endorse Faster Permitting Of Renewables

The EU Energy Ministers have agreed their position on changes to the Renewable Energy Directive and Energy Efficiency Directive, paving the way for faster build-out of renewables and streamlined permitting for wind...

Interdepartmental Working Group Formed To Achieve Goals Of Green Agenda

At a session, the government of the Republic of Serbia passed an amended decision on temporary restriction of exports of basic agri-food products important to the population. Given that Serbia, like many other...

Global Energy Crisis Shows Urgency Of Accelerating Investment In Cheaper And Cleaner Energy In Africa

Today’s crippling spikes in energy prices underscore the urgency and the benefits for African countries of accelerating the scale up of cheaper and cleaner sources of energy, the IEA says in a...



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