Search results for:fossil energy

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BMW electric vehicle drivers in California get green energy option via smart charging

There are many reasons to switch to electric cars instead of fossil fuel cars — better performance, quieter driving, lower operating and maintenance costs, and, of course, cleaner driving with zero tailpipe...

Fast-Track Energy Transitions to Win the Race to Zero

Proven technologies for a net-zero energy system already largely exist today, finds the preview of World Energy Transitions Outlook by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable power, green hydrogen and modern bioenergy will dominate...

Innovation and Market Reform Needed to Drive Japan’s Clean Energy Transition, IEA Policy Review Finds

New report notes Japan’s success in making its energy system more resilient and sustainable, but says reaching carbon-neutrality by 2050 requires quick action now. Japan will need to move quickly to make headway...

Renewable Energy: Common Myths Debunked

Critics of renewable energy often cite two reasons for why they think a transition from fossil fuels will take half a century. Firstly, that sources of renewable energy are too intermittent to...

India Has the Opportunity to Build a New Energy Future

India’s ability to ensure affordable, clean and reliable energy for its growing population will be vital for the future development of its economy, but avoiding the kind of carbon-intensive path previously followed...

Denmark To Build World’s First Energy Island In The North Sea

Denmark has reached a landmark agreement on the construction of an energy hub in the North Sea. The energy hub will be an artificially constructed island 80 kilometers from the shore of...

Urgent Action Needed for the Energy Transition in Heating and Cooling

The transition to cleaner, more sustainable heating and cooling solutions can attract investment, create millions of new jobs and help to drive a durable economic recovery in the wake of the global...

South Africa: Industrial Energy Efficiency Project Wins International Award

South Africa’s largest energy efficiency initiative: Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement in South Africa through Mainstreaming the Introduction of Energy Management Systems and Energy Systems Optimization, has won the highest international accolade for...

Islands Aim to Phase out Fossil Fuels and Build Climate Resilience

From the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean to the farthest reaches of the Indian and Pacific oceans, island communities face common and increasingly daunting energy challenges. On top of their vulnerability to climate change,...

Renewables Could Cover More Than One-Third of Energy Demand in CESEC

Within ten years, the economies of Central and South Eastern Europe could cover 34 percentage of their rising energy demand cost-effectively with renewables, a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency...

Renewable Energy Jobs Continue Growth to 11.5 Million Worldwide

Renewable energy continues to bring socio-economic benefits by creating numerous jobs worldwide, according to the latest figures released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) today. The seventh edition of Renewable Energy...

Strong Cooperation and Enabling Policies Can Lead Energy Transformation in Southeast Asia

Meeting future energy demand in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a high priority in the region. With current indigenous fossil fuel resources incompatible with climate and sustainable development goals,...

IRENA Puts Energy Transformation at Heart of Sustainable Recovery Agenda

Governments can align immediate economic stimulus needs with medium to long-term decarbonisation and sustainable development objectives by targeting policy measures and public spending towards the energy transformation, a new report by the...

Iceland, a World Leader in Clean Energy, Supports Africa’s Push for Geothermal Power

At the beginning of the 20th century, Iceland was one of Europe's poorest countries, its people relying on a precarious and polluting mix of imported coal and local peat for electricity.But over...

We Need a Total Fossil Fuel Lockdown for a Climate Revolution

Growth in renewable power has been impressive over the past five years. But too little is happening in heating, cooling and transport. Overall, global hunger for energy keeps increasing and eats up...

Sun, Wind and Biomass for Clean Energy

Vojvodina has a great potential for energy production from renewable sources. How much these resources will be used, and to what extent industrial entities will be environmentally conscious, depends most on the...



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