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Support for the Implementation of Innovative Solutions for a Smooth Green Transition

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has a unique financing programme designed by the organization’s key development team. The financing programme is related to Public Calls in the form of challenges for...

134 million USD initiative aims to eliminate mercury-containing medical devices

The Governments of Albania, Burkina Faso, India, Montenegro and Uganda have united to combat chemical pollution, launching a 134-million dollars project to eliminate the use of mercury in medical devices. Used in health-care...

Green Bonds for Financing the Development of Environmental Projects

Green bonds are a relatively young financial instrument dating back just over 15 years. In 2007, the European Investment Bank (EIB) issued these securities for the first time. Green bonds are debt...

Flue gas desulfurization in TENT A, the largest environmental project in thermal power plants in Europe

Dubravka Djedović Handanović, Minister of Mining and Energy, visited the construction site of the flue gas desulphurization plant in the Nikola Tesla A thermal power plant, where all works are scheduled to...

From Investing In Nature Conservation To One Of the Most Environmentally Developed Countries

One of the smallest but greenest countries in the European Union – Slovenia – very quickly adopted European standards and achieved a high level of environmental protection. According to the report of...

Szeged Introduces a Geothermal Energy District Heating System

The Hungarian Ministry of Construction and Transport recently announced the completion of the project for a new geothermal heating system in Szeged. According to the Ministry’s announcement, six million euros have been invested...

Cooperation Between Sciece and Business for a Sustainable Future

Eight years have passed since the signing of the Paris Agreement, which set the goal of holding the global average temperature increase below 2°C compared to the pre-industrial levels, with the indication...

Clean energy is boosting economic growth

Clean energy is moving towards centre stage in the global energy system – and as its importance rises, a new clean energy economy is emerging. Clean electricity accounted for around 80 percent of...

Schneider Electric: Digitization as the Key to the Energy Transition

The Schneider Electric Innovation Summit was once again a meeting place for the latest automation, electrification, and digitalization solutions. Representatives of numerous companies met in Paris, where Schneider Electric, a leader in...

Oil Demand Growing at a Slower Pace as Post-Covid Rebound Runs its Course

Global oil demand growoilth is currently in the midst of a slowdown and is expected to ease to 1.2 million barrels a day (mb/d) this year and 1.1 mb/d in 2025 –...

New EU Rules to Improve Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reuse

With 481 votes in favour, 79 against and 26 abstentions, Parliament adopted the deal reached with the Council in January 2024 on revising the EU’s water management and urban wastewater treatment standards...

German Onshore Wind Sees Record Auction Volumes, Permitting Improvements and Crucial New Port Investments

German onshore wind is going from strength to strength. In a blockbuster announcement the German Federal Network Agency Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) has just raised the onshore wind auction volumes for 2024 to almost...

Record Reduction of 2023 ETS Emissions due Largely to Boost in Renewable Energy

Last year’s emissions under the EU’s Emission Trading System (ETS) show the most significant annual emissions reductions since the ETS was launched in 2005. The main driver is the power sector’s significant...

Conference Green Energy Transition

In cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, the Belgian-Serbian Business Association, Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Croatian Business Club, invite you to...

EBRD and Erste Approve Financing for new Windfarm in Serbia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), together with Erste Group Bank AG and its local bank Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad (Erste), have approved a financing package worth 91.4 million...

Germany is Closing its Coal-Fired Power Plants

A complex story about the energy transition and the challenges that the global geopolitical situation brings with it is unfolding in a country that strives to be a leader in the fight...



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