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Vladan Vasic, the Mayor of Pirot: The Citizens of Pirot are Proud of their City

Vladan Vasic was elected three times as the President of the Municipality of Pirot, and after the elections in 2016, he became the first Mayor since Pirot was granted the city status,...

Climate Change Threatens Kelp Forests With Invasions of Weeds

The devastating consequences climate change is already having on coral reefs is well known, but now scientists have discovered that yet another unique marine ecosystem is threatened by rising carbon dioxide levels.A...

Goran Trivan The Minister of Environmental Protection: We Must Take Care of the Branch We are Sitting on

The term "sustainable development" origins from forestry and in short, it means that a man can cut down as many old trees as he has planted. In an attempt to come up...

Climate Change and Invasive Milkweed Could Make Toxic Cocktail for Monarchs, Study Finds

Monarch butterflies are already in danger. Their numbers have decreased by 80 percent in the past 20 years, and this year's count of the number of the black-and-orange butterflies wintering in Mexico...

Pollution Sources Have Increased More Than 50% In Last 8 Years, China’s Environment Ministry Reports

In relation to a new nationwide survey meant to ascertain the amount of environmental damage done by the last 30 years of rapid growth, China’s environment ministry has revealed that the number...

Marija JEVTIC: We Have Upset the Planet – Now It Retalitates against Us

On the occasion of the World Environment Day, we had the opportunity to listen to the lecture by professor Marija Jevtic, Ph.D. on air, climate, energy and their importance for health. Marija...

Dutch PM Calls for More Ambitious 2030 EU Climate Target

The Dutch prime minister has urged the EU to "raise the bar" on climate action by adopting a new emissions reduction target for 2030 of 55 per cent below 1990 levels. The high-profile...

INTERVIEW: Filip Radovic and Verica Jovanovic

SEPA AND BATUT: Key Partners for Improving EcoHealthThe concern about the state of the whole ecosystem, contained in the conceptual goals of EcoHealth, requires interaction between all expert services and institutions of the...


Although EcoHealth is significant for all living beings on the planet, the general public is not yet sufficiently familiar with the concept and term of this multidisciplinary field.The multiplication of the number...

Clean Technology Is an Exportation Leverage of the Greenest Country in the World

Having been investing in the health sector and environmental protection for decades, Finland is now highly ranked among the world’s leading countries with the most advanced standards of environmental protection and health...

Voith Completes Upgrade at Scottish Hydro Plant

The Mucomir small hydropower plant in Scotland is now back on the grid, following the modernization of equipment at the plant, technology group Voith has announced. Operated by SSE, the upgraded project was...

Hope for Domestic Automotive Industry

Company AQOS Technologies gives us faith in the possibility of developing the car industry in Serbia after years of silence in this industrial branch  In order to present to our readers innovative solutions...

Željko Milković: First Steps towards Electromobility of Public Transport in Serbia

Five electric buses represent heralds of progress that will significantly contribute to the reduction of harmful gas emissions in the future. One should not forget that the road leading to the realization...

New Climate Study: Most Severe Warming Projections Are Now the Most Likely

Global warming, under the notorious "business-as-usual scenario" in which humans go on burning fossil fuels to power economic growth, could by 2100 be at least 15 percent warmer than the worst UN...

Mixed Forests Are Healthier, But Can They Survive Climate Change?

German researchers have confirmed once again that a good forest is a mixed forest, a natural one, with a diversity of species. The more diverse the forest, the better it becomes at...

MATT MCGRATH: Are Vehicles Greener on the Other Side as Well

With Matt McGrath, BBC journalist specialized in reporting on science and ecology, we discussed the steps that are being taken in the United Kingdom to alleviate the apparent climatic changes caused by...



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