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Where to Charge an E-bike or E-scooter?

The past year has shown us the importance of being ready for significant changes. Since many people have worked from home, with limited mobility and restricted use of public transport, the need...

New mobility as a solution for decarbonization of transport in Serbia

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the essential role and necessity of transport, especially when the movement of people, goods, and services is severely limited. Before the crisis, continuous economic growth wasn’t harmonized...

Nature Investment Accelerator Invites Corporates to Slash 1Gt Emissions Annually

- Leading companies launch a campaign to increase private sector investment in natural climate solutions (NCS) to the tune of 1 Gigatonne (Gt) of emission reductions per year by 2025 - Under current...

What you need to know about the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference

The report shows that the NDCs are insufficient or fall short. Current commitments put the world on track for a global temperature rise of 2.7°C by the end of the century. The...

Greenhouse Gas Bulletin: Another Year Another Record

The abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere once again reached a new record last year, with the annual rate of increase above the 2011-2020 average. That trend has continued in...

World Energy Outlook 2021 Shows a New Energy Economy is Emerging – But not yet Quickly Enough to Reach Net Zero by 2050

A new energy economy is emerging around the world as solar, wind, electric vehicles and other low-carbon technologies flourish. But as the pivotal moment of COP26 approaches, the IEA’s new World Energy...

Between the Myth and Responsibility

Is it all that it takes for one product to have labels such as eco, 100 percent natural, or 100 percent bio so that we are assured that buying it would do...

Climate Scientists win Nobel Prize for Physics

The World Meteorological Community and the international science community have welcomed the awarding of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics to pioneering climate scientists who laid the foundations for our understanding of the role...

Key Renewables Payers Call for Collaboration Between Renewable Energy and Agriculture Sectors

Energy use is responsible for about one-third of greenhouse gases emitted by the food systems. With its continuously declining costs, renewables have become an attractive and effective way to fuel the achievement...

Ozone Layer Recovery is an Environmental Success Story

The World Meteorological Organization joins the rest of the international community in marking World Ozone Day on 16 September. It highlights the importance of safeguarding the Earth’s protective ozone layer and shows that...

Better Raw Material Sourcing can Significantly Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Climate-friendly practices for sourcing raw materials hold significant potential to cut greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and globally. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today, focusing on raw material...

These Five Cities Are Taking Aim at Air Pollution

Around the world, more than 90 percent of people breathe in air that the World Health Organization (WHO) considers potentially harmful. While the source of air pollution varies – some come from vehicle...

Climate Change Widespread, Rapid, and Intensifying – IPCC

Scientists are observing changes in the Earth’s climate in every region and across the whole climate system, according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, released today. Many of...

Ozone Research Managers Say no Room for Complacency on Ozone Layer Recovery

Ozone experts from around the world have stressed the importance of systematic observations to monitor the state of the ozone layer and the presence of ozone-depleting substances, and to increase understanding of...

What is “Nature Positive” and Why is it the Key to our Future?

G7 leaders recently announced that “our world must not only become net zero, but also nature positive, for the benefit of both people and the planet.” This represents a real paradigm shift in...

The Right Measures Always Lead to a Solution

For many years, Užice was on the list of cities with the highest air pollution. During the heating season, it often happened that the amount of soot in the air exceeded the...



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