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The Importance of Battery Energy Storage Systems in the Energy Transition

The increasing demand of consumers to be supplied at all times with electrical energy to satisfy all their needs is one the basic causes for the complexity of an energy system. The...

Air France Rendez-Vous Promotion

Everyone who has ever wanted to visit a far or exotic destination but has never been able to do so because of the finances, knows a plane ticket takes a large part...

Electric BMW iX1 – Orders Available from November

The entry model into the world of BMW X is now more appealing than ever. In its third model generation, the new BMW X1 boasts a more prominent design, superior spaciousness, advanced...

Heat Pumps – A Safe Solution for Savings

Whether you heat your home with electricity, wood, or gas, or you have central heating, the market situation is so uncertain that you can’t even assume how much heating will cost you...

Global Ocean Observing System Report Card Released

A new Ocean Observing System Report Card - a high-level annual report providing a deep insight on the state, capacity and value of our Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) – has just...

The Clean Energy Economy is Gaining Ground, But Greater Efforts are Needed now to Get on Track for Net Zero by 2050

Despite encouraging signs of progress across a number of sectors, stronger efforts are needed to bring the world on track to reach net zero emissions by mid-century, according to the IEA’s latest...

How is Air Quality Measured?

Air pollutants come from a variety of sources, including human-caused emissions – like fossil fuel use in vehicles and cooking – and natural sources, such as dust storms and smoke from wildfires...

Agriculture Commissioner Lends Support for new EU-Wide Fertilisers Strategy

EU Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski has offered tentative support to creating an EU-wide fertilisers strategy to help protect farmers against potential future shortages. A potential initiative to boost domestic production of fertilisers to...

Renewable Energy Jobs Hit 12.7 Million Globally

Worldwide renewable energy employment reached 12.7 million last year, a jump of 700,000 new jobs in one year despite the lingering effects of COVID-19 and the growing energy crisis, according to a...

S Stands for Solar Power, Stability, Sun

Who would have thought that in the 21st century, we would face an energy crisis whose end is still not in sight, which has caused trouble to even the most developed economies...

Modernisation of Heating Plants for More Efficient Heating, Better Air Quality

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic signed memorandums of understanding in Kragujevac, within the framework of the project "Renewable energy sources of districts in Serbia", with the...

Government Recommends EPS to Introduce Discounts for Households

The Serbian government recommended at its session to the Public Enterprise "Electric Power Industry of Serbia" (EPS) Belgrade to introduce a discount on electricity charges for customers from the "household" category and...

What Role Can Young People Play in Tackling the Climate Crisis?

The impacts of the climate crisis are already widespread: from increased floods, droughts and wildfires to more devastating storms and temperature extremes. Scientists estimate the world is experiencing a global temperature increase of...

Power-sector Emissions are Set to Fall in 2022. – Thanks to Renewable Energy

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered an unprecedented global energy crisis, the world has been turning to other sources of power, besides oil and gas, to meet demand. Renewable energy has seen a...

Greenpeace: Our transport system is fuelling the multiple crises we’re facing

With extreme heat, floods and fires, the highest inflation in decades, unprecedented energy price-hikes, a looming energy shortfall and a war on European soil, the world feels like it’s at a crossroads....

How do Countries Measure Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

With the 2022 Emissions Gap Report due to be released in October this year ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt, the focus is on how fast countries...



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