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ABB Building Automation Applied in the World’s First Energy Self-Sufficient Multi-Family Dwelling

No connection to the grid. No gas supply line. Not even a wood burning stove for those cold winter nights. In a building with no less than nine apartments. The Umwelt Arena in...

Spain to Auction 3 GW of Renewables in the First Half of 2017

The government of Spain has announced details of the next auction for renewable energy projects which it will launch in coming weeks and which will be open to multiple renewable energy technologies. On...

A Place for Waste in 2017

In the United States, approximately 34 million tons of food is delivered to landfills annually, accounting for 35 percent of total landfill waste. Once in the landfill, this food slowly decomposes, emitting...

America’s First Offshore Wind Farm Goes Online

With the flip of a switch Monday, the country's first offshore wind power project began commercial operations. That's something to celebrate—and it's only the beginning for this abundant energy resource! Developed by U.S.-based...

Check Out the World’s First Lights Powered by Micro-Sphere Solar Cells

Sphelar Power, makers of the world’s first “micro-sphere” solar cell, have declared “flatness is over” when it comes to solar power generation. The Japan-based company is in the midst of a crowdfunding...

Camden Council Launches Fuel Poverty Tackling Solar Project

Camden Council has this week announced it has teamed up with Islington Council and Waltham Forest Council to deliver a pilot programme designed to reduce the fuel bills of residents at risk...

Medium-Term Coal Market Report 2016

Growth in global coal demand will stall over the next five years as the appetite for the fuel wanes and other energy sources gain ground, according to the latest coal forecast from...

Enel Starts Operation of Integrated Geothermal-Hydropower Plant in Utah

Enel S.p.A., through its subsidiary Enel Green Power North America Inc. (EGPNA), has begun operation of its Cove Fort geothermal-hydropower plant. EGPNA added a fully submersible downhole generator technology to a geothermal...

Clean Energy Jobs Increasing, Fossil Fuel Jobs Decreasing, Says IRENA

IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency, says the trend is clear. Jobs in clean energy industries like solar, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric are increasing while jobs in oil, natural gas, and coal...

Green Gold: Growing Jet Fuel in the Desert

Thirty kilometres from the bustle of downtown Abu Dhabi, lies a remarkable undertaking that could one day change the environmental impact of air travel. Set on a two-hectare farm down the road from...

Renewable energy’s next frontier: heat

While energy use is commonly associated with lighting or transportation, more than half of the world’s energy consumption serves a simple function: heating things. This ranges from heating homes and buildings, to...

European Support for Cheaper and Cleaner Heat and Power in Lithuania

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a EUR 190 million loan agreement with Lietuvos Energija for the greenfield construction of new combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plant in Vilnius. The project is expected to...

Australia’s Energy Transmission Industry Calls for Carbon Trading

Australia’s electricity and gas transmission industry is calling on the Turnbull government to implement a form of carbon trading in the national electricity market by 2022 and review the scope for economy-wide...

Centrica to Trial £19m Local Smart Grid in Cornwall

Energy giant Centrica has launched a new local energy market trial in Cornwall in a bid to test how a more distributed grid could help generation be managed closer to the point...

Jordan Powers Up Giant Solar Plant, As Enerray Seeks To Unlock Region’s ‘Huge Potential’

A 23.1MW solar plant covering a surface area of half a million square metres has been connected to Jordan's national grid, the developers of the project have announced. Led by Saudi renewable energy...

Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda to Run Electric-Car Division

It's now abundantly clear that Toyota is changing course when it comes to zero-emission vehicles. After years of promoting hydrogen fuel cells while shunning and disparaging battery-electric cars, the company now plans...



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