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Not Enough Investment in Renewables: IRENA

Money invested in renewable energy is not enough to reach a climate goal of limiting global warming to 2.0 degrees Celsius, an Abu Dhabi-based green energy organisation said last week. Investment in renewables...

China Approves First List of Green Car Models for Subsidies This Year

China released on Monday this year's first list of "recommended" green energy vehicles, paving the way for 185 car models to receive government subsidies. Beijing has spent billions of dollars promoting electric and...

Hawaii Bill Calls for 100% Green Transportation by 2045

Hawaii lawmakers want the state’s ground transportation to run entirely on renewables by 2045. As a majority of their imported fossil fuels go towards transportation, if every car on the road was...

Waste Management Outlook for Mountain Regions

Last week ISWA launched its latest publication “Waste Management Outlook for Mountain Regions”.This new publication is a cooperation with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) and GRID-Arendal. The Waste...

Australian Minister Says Coal Power can Help Reduce CO2 Emissions

Don’t throw out your climate science books just yet, folks. Australian resources minister Matt Canavan recently said burning a certain kind of coal could help the country slash its overall carbon emissions....

IRENA Director Urges Faster Pace on Decarbonization

“As we advance deeper into a new energy paradigm, we need to pick-up the pace of our decarbonization efforts.” That was the message this week from the director-general of the International Renewable...

Siemens Employees Can Charge Electric Vehicles for Free

Beginning in 2017, Siemens employees at as many as 100 of the company's locations in Germany can "fill up" their electric vehicles free of charge. This will apply not only to all-electric...

EPA Accuses Fiat Chrysler of Using Software to Cheat on Vehicle Emissions

The EPA accused Fiat Chrysler of cheating emissions standards in over 100,000 of their vehicles, echoing the scandal that has been rocking Volkswagen. According to the EPA, the company installed software on...

Manchester Goes Green – Airport Significantly Reduces Energy Usage & City Centre Properties Follow Suit

Manchester airport becomes first carbon neutral airport in the UKFrom 1st April 2018 it is unlawful to rent a property with poor energy efficiency rating Mason Street uses low-carbon tech...

Iowa, Illinois and New Jersey Rank as Best States for Clean Energy Corporates

Iowa, Illinois and New Jersey are the best states in the US for procuring clean energy, a new study from the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) and the Information Technology Industry Council...

The Solar Cooker that Seeks Its Own Place in the Sun

Solar cookers need to be moved during the day, an inconvenience that leads to some being discarded. But what if a clever unit did its own sun tracking? Solar cookers have been promoted...

Solar Energy Growing Fast, but Night Time is Still a Problem

The idea that solar power may soon be everywhere isn’t nutty anymore. The price of solar panels has plunged more than 80% in the past five years and is expected to keep...

£6.5m Boost for Orkney Campus

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Orkney Islands Council (OIC) are to create a £6.5m R&D centre in Stromness to support marine renewables activity. The two organisations have formed a partnership to create...

Diesel Cars are 10 Times More Toxic than Trucks and Buses, Data Shows

Modern diesel cars produce 10 times more toxic air pollution than heavy trucks and buses, new European data has revealed. The stark difference in emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) is due to the...

China and India Tipped for Multi-Billion Dollar Renewables Investment Surge

The Asian renewables market can expect a dual boost this year, as the Chinese and Indian governments both look to step up investment in clean energy infrastructure. According to Reuters' reports, China's energy...

Solar Power Becoming World’s Cheapest Form of Electricity Production, Analysts Say

Solar power is becoming the cheapest way to generate electricity, according to leading analysts. Data produced by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) showed the cost of solar in 58 lower-income countries – including...



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