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These 5 States Host Two-Thirds Of India’s Solar Power Capacity

Solar power installed capacity is highly concentrated in few states in India. This is largely the result of proactive initiatives taken by some states that are also endowed with ample solar radiation...

Solar Panel Researchers Investigate Powering Trains by Bypassing Grid

Imperial College and climate change charity 10:10 to focus on connecting solar panels directly to train lines, reports BusinessGreen. Imperial College London has partnered with the climate change charity 10:10 to investigate the...

Iowa, Illinois and New Jersey Rank as Best States for Clean Energy Corporates

Iowa, Illinois and New Jersey are the best states in the US for procuring clean energy, a new study from the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) and the Information Technology Industry Council...

Wind Farms Deliver all Scotland’s Power for Four Straight Days

The recent flurry of UK wind power records continued today, as analysts confirmed Scotland generated power equivalent to the country's entire electricity demand on four consecutive days late last year. WWF Scotland, drawing...

World’s Tallest Solar Tower Could Help Make Israel a ‘Sunshine Superpower’

Construction of the world's tallest solar tower is underway. The 820-foot tower, which stands in the middle of a 121-megawatt concentrated solar complex in Israel's sun-drenched Negev desert, is slated for commercial...

Allete Clean Energy Planning Expansion of North Dakota Wind Farm

Allete Clean Energy (ACE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allete, Inc. has announced it will work with Montana-Dakota Utilities (MDU) to expand the Thunder Spirit wind farm in North Dakota. Allete Clean Energy has...

Accurate Solar Energy Forecasting Could Save Ratepayers Millions

A 2015 study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and IBM found that more accurate day-ahead predictions of solar energy generation levels would save ratepayers in California $5 million in avoided costs....

Switzerland’s Largest Agricultural Biogas Plant Comes on Stream

Nestlé Waters & Groupe E GreenWatt have just inaugurated the largest agricultural biogas plant in Switzerland, located next to the Henniez bottling plant. This initiative represents a further step in the Eco-Broye program launched by...

Norway’s Biggest Oil Company to Build Huge Offshore Wind Farm Off Coast of New York

If everything goes to plan, New York City and Long Island will be harnessing the Atlantic Ocean's strong and dependable winds as a source of renewable energy. Norway's biggest oil company will be...

Statoil the Winner of US Federal Lease Auction for Wind Area Offshore of New York

Statoil said Dec. 16 that it has been declared the provisional winner of the U.S. government’s wind lease sale of 79,350 acres offshore New York. Statoil will now have the opportunity to explore...

Harworth Seals Deal for New 5MW Solar Farm in Yorkshire

UK developer Harworth is expanding its clean energy portfolio with the announcement yesterday that a deal to build a new 5MW solar farm in North Yorkshire has been signed off. Kellingley Solar Farm,...

No, Coal Isn’t Coming Back: the Reasons in 5 Charts

The coal industry is on the decline, but the reason for that decline has become a subject of political debate. Supporters of fossil fuels blame the energy policies of the outgoing Obama...

Boone, NC Passes Historic Resolution: Ditch Fossil Fuels, Go 100% Clean Energy

With an incoming presidential administration seemingly hostile towards action on climate change, local solutions are now more important than ever. With or without Donald Trump's help, the North Carolina municipality of Boone...

Roxann Laird is the Power-Gen 2016 Woman of the Year

On Tuesday during the Power Generation Week keynote session, Southern Company’s Roxann Laird was named the 2016 Power-Gen Woman of the Year. The other two finalists for the award were Sheri Blauweikel...

ABB Building Automation Applied in the World’s First Energy Self-Sufficient Multi-Family Dwelling

No connection to the grid. No gas supply line. Not even a wood burning stove for those cold winter nights. In a building with no less than nine apartments. The Umwelt Arena in...

Apple’s New Solar-Powered Spaceship Office is Nearly Complete

One of the world’s most anticipated buildings is nearly complete – new drone footage shows that Apple’s $5 billion solar-powered “spaceship” office is on track to meet its 2016 completion goal. According...



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