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2018 Was the Hottest Year Ever Recorded for Our Oceans

The year 2018 was the hottest year for the planet's oceans ever since record-keeping began in 1958, according to a worrisome new study from international scientists. The findings, published Wednesday in the journal Advances in Atmospheric...

Making Surroundings Cleaner and more Pleasant for all the Citizens of Vrsac

Dragan Ninkovic, a traffic engineer, had worked at “Autocentar Petrovic” before he got a position of a director of “Parking - Sabac”, the Public Utility Company. He was a member of the...

10 Worst-Case Climate Predictions if We Don’t Keep Global Temperatures Under 1.5 Degrees Celsius

The summer of 2018 was intense: deadly wildfires, persistent drought, killer floods and record-breaking heat. Although scientists exercise great care before linking individual weather events to climate change, the rise in global...

Vital Ecosystems in Tidal Flats Lost to Development and Rising Sea Levels

Coastal development and sea level rise are causing the decline of tidal flats along the world’s coastlines, according to research that has mapped the ecosystems for the first time. Scientists from the University...

Mysterious Oil Spill on Massachusetts’ Charles River Spurs Major Emergency Response

An oil spill on Massachusetts' Charles River drew a major emergency response Wednesday night, as several fire trucks and emergency vehicles, including a hazmat team, raced to help with the cleanup, 7 News Boston WHDH...

‘We Are Last Generation That Can Stop Climate Change’ – UN Summit

Big cuts in carbon emissions and a rise in protection from extreme weather urgently needed.The UN climate change summit begins on Monday with a warning that today’s generation is the last that...

Tropics Could Face Six Climate Disasters at Once by 2100

In a year that saw record-breaking heat waves, record-breaking hurricanes and record-breaking wildfires, it's hard to imagine how the future could look any more like a disaster movie than the present. But that is exactly what...

Climate Change Is Making Hurricanes Even More Destructive, Research Finds

Hurricane rainfall could increase by a third and wind speeds boosted by up to 25 knots if global warming continues. Climate change worsened the most destructive hurricanes of recent years, including Katrina, Irma and...

Hawaiian Island Important for Seals and Turtles Washed Away by Hurricane

A small Hawaiian island that was an important habitat for endangered species has entirely disappeared, The Huffington Post confirmed Tuesday. East Island in the French Frigate Shoals, an atoll around 550 miles northwest...

Hurricane Michael Caused 1.7 Million Electricity Outages Across US

Customers across six south-eastern states were significantly affected by the storm.Hurricane Michael caused 1.7 million electricity outages in the south-eastern US. That’s according to new statistics from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), which says...

Cherry Blossoms Are Blooming Across Japan: It’s October

Each year, Japan's iconic cherry blossoms herald the arrival of spring. But after a bout of extreme weather, blooms are being reported several months early.The Japanese weather site Weathernews said it had...

London ‘Among Cities Sinking into the Sea’

Christian Aid says climate change means coastal cities are becoming more vulnerable to flooding. London is among the cities sinking into the oceans as climate change raises global sea levels. That’s according to a new report from...

Puerto Rico Planting 750,000 Trees to Defend Land from Natural Disasters

September 20 marked the one-year anniversary of the most devastating and deadly natural disasters in 100 years of U.S. history—Hurricane Maria. Today, Puerto Rico continues to face both challenges, such as Tropical...

Warming Oceans Are Changing the World’s Rainfall

Global warming means truly global warming. The atmosphere, the oceans, and the ground are all warming. As a result, ice is melting, seas are rising, storms are getting more severe, and droughts...

Summer Weather Is Getting ‘Stuck’ Due to Arctic Warming

Summer weather patterns are increasingly likely to stall in Europe, North America and parts of Asia, according to a new climate study that explains why Arctic warming is making heatwaves elsewhere more...

Indonesia’s Deforestation Dropped 60 Percent in 2017

In the midst of the second-worst year for tropical tree cover loss in 2017, Indonesia saw an encouraging sign: a 60 percent drop in tree cover loss in primary forests compared with...



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