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To Help Serbia Switch To Circular Economy Faster

Nordic Business Alliance is a business association founded with a goal to gather and integrate the Nordic business community in Serbia. Its members are Nordic companies doing business in Serbia, as well...

EBRD Invests EUR 0.5 billion in Serbia in 2021

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) delivered strong support to Serbia in 2021, with investments in the country last year reaching EUR 0.5 billion. Around 40 percent of these were...

EBRD Loan and EU Grants to OTP Leasing to Support SMEs in Serbia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is extending a EUR 10 million loan to OTP Leasing Serbia doo Novi Beograd to support the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)...

Loyal Partners In Serbia’s Green Transition

Some would say that after 70 years of existence, a company would not have any challenges to face. Tetra Pak company's employees are still full of life and energy, but also responsible...

EV Chargers soon at the OMV Serbia network

OMV and Charge&GO have joined forces to improve the network and availability of chargers for electric vehicles in our country, so you can expect that electric chargers will become available at selected...

EBRD Backs Serbia’s Upgrade of Agricultural Infrastructure

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is supporting Serbia’s efforts to upgrade its agricultural infrastructure and make it more climate resilient. A EUR 15 million EBRD loan will finance the construction...

The first scientific conference within the Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube

The lifelineMDD online mid-term conference, organized by the project team at the end of November, gathered over 100 researchers, scientists, nature conservationists, water management representatives and other participants from Austria, Slovenia, Croatia,...

Serbia Opens Energy, Environment and Climate Change Chapters Under EU Accession Process

The Energy Community Secretariat congratulates Serbia for its progress in the EU accession negotiation process and the opening of Cluster four (Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity) at the EU-Serbia Intergovernmental Conference held...

Nature-Based Solutions as a Response to Climate Change

Today International Union for Conservation of Nature, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (IUCN ECARO), in cooperation with the Public Investment Management Office of the Government of the Republic of...

EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia

The EU for Natura 2000 project has reached the end of its implementation. After two and a half years, numerous results and products have been achieved. The “EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia”...

Wind Auctions in Serbia – Final Chapter of the Regulatory Reform

In the second half of November, the authorities intensified their activities on finalization of the regulatory reform of the renewables sector in Serbia commenced in the beginning of the year with work...

New mobility as a solution for decarbonization of transport in Serbia

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the essential role and necessity of transport, especially when the movement of people, goods, and services is severely limited. Before the crisis, continuous economic growth wasn’t harmonized...

Water Stress is a Major and Growing Concern in Europe

About 30 percent of Europe’s population is affected by water stress during an average year. The situation is expected to worsen as climate change is increasing the frequency, magnitude, and impact of...

Serbia isn’t Rich in Waters

Serbia is the poorest country in the Balkans in autochthonous surface water (runoff module q=5.7 and is among the most impoverished region in Europe. Neighboring countries have significantly higher runoff module...

Between the Myth and Responsibility

Is it all that it takes for one product to have labels such as eco, 100 percent natural, or 100 percent bio so that we are assured that buying it would do...

EBRD and EU Help Furniture Manufacturer in Serbia to Invest in Modern Equipment

With eyes on the EU market, Novi Stil from Jagodina invests in quality to become more competitive. Like other countries in the Western Balkans, Serbia faces a ‘brain drain’. However, Novi Stil, a...



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