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G7 Members Have a Unique Opportunity to Lead the World Towards Electricity Sectors With Net Zero Emissions

G7 members are well placed to fully decarbonise their electricity supply by 2035, which would accelerate the technological advances and infrastructure rollouts needed to lead global energy markets towards net zero emissions...

Hot Rock Energy Storage Will Soon Be A Reality In Denmark’s Electricity Grid

The Danish company Stiesdal, which is behind the TetraSpar full-scale demonstration project of the world’s first industrialized offshore foundation manufacturing and deployment system for wind turbines, is now realizing the first commercial demonstration energy storage...

Study Finds Limiting Renewable Energy Growth Would Result In Higher U.S. Power Costs

With declining costs for renewable energy technologies, interest has turned to how that might translate into the total system costs of integrating more renewable energy on the U.S. grid. National Renewable Energy Laboratory...

Spain’s Extensive Policy Plans Set to Help Underpin a Successful Energy Transition Powered by Renewables and Efficiency

Spain has made considerable progress towards its goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050, but future gains need to be supported by stable policies, adequate public financing and incentives for private...

Renewables are Stronger than Ever as They Power Through the Pandemic

Renewable sources of electricity such as wind and solar grew at their fastest rate in two decades in 2020 and are set to expand in coming years at a much faster pace...

Eastern and Southern Africa’s Vast Renewables Potential Offers Route to Sustainable Growth

Eastern and Southern Africa are vast, geographically diverse regions with rapidly growing populations and rising demands for energy. According to master plans for the two regional power pools, electricity demand is set...

Volkswagen’s European Factories Up To 95 Percent Powered By Renewables

In 2020. Volkswagen Group increased the share of renewables powering its European factories from 80 percent to 95 percent (year over year/YoY), and 10 of its factories became 100 percent renewably powered. The target...

ABB Urges Greater Adoption of High-Efficiency Motors and Drives to Combat Climate Change – Global Electricity Consumption to be Reduced by 10 percent

In a new whitepaper published today, ABB reveals potential for significant energy efficiency improvements in industry and infrastructure enabled by the latest and most high-efficiency motors and variable speed drives. ABB calls...

Renewable Energy: Common Myths Debunked

Critics of renewable energy often cite two reasons for why they think a transition from fossil fuels will take half a century. Firstly, that sources of renewable energy are too intermittent to...

Pacific Islands Unite Around Enhanced Renewables Ambition Under Climate Goals

In a year of critical action on climate mitigation and adaptation, Pacific Island governments have reinforced their commitment to energy transition action and strengthened sustainable energy goals within updated nationally determined contributions...

IRENA Report Identifies Policy Measures to Advance Jordan’s Transition to Renewables

A new report published today by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has identified a series of policy measures that can help advance the energy transition towards renewable energy in Jordan. The “Renewables...

Bitcoin, Tesla, Electricity Usage, And A Mea Culpa

Over two years ago, CleanTechnica published a substantive report I authored, checking in on the global intersection of blockchain technology and cleantech. About 66 ventures in 26 countries were covered. Naturally, the subject of bitcoin’s...

British Hills Could Soon Be Generating Electricity. Here’s How

Hillsides are hidden sources of power just waiting to be unlocked, according to a British renewable energy company.RheEnergise has developed a way to use hills as ‘batteries’ that create and store electricity for...

Joint Cross-Border Renewable Energy Projects Are Feasible and Beneficial

The EEA briefing Cross-border cooperation for deployment of renewable energy, which looks at the challenges posed by cross-border cooperation on renewable energy, found that several key barriers exist deterring EU Member States...

EU on Track to Meet Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Renewable Energy 2020 Targets

The EEA report ‘Trends and projections in Europe 2020’ tracks progress the EU’s 27 Member States (plus the United Kingdom) are making towards Europe’s climate and energy targets. The analysis is based...

EBRD supports green transition of Poland’s electricity producer Tauron

Tauron Polska Energia, one of the largest energy firms in Poland, is moving from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...



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