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Sun, Wind and Biomass for Clean Energy

Vojvodina has a great potential for energy production from renewable sources. How much these resources will be used, and to what extent industrial entities will be environmentally conscious, depends most on the...

Waste Glass in a Whole New Ballgame

Recycling raw materials mostly have limited use, especially when it comes to glass. Although it is generally thought that new glass products, which are of the same structure (such as jars, bottles,...

Innovative Sustainable Solutions

Ecology and environmental conservation are known as one of the fields of science and life. However, climate change and awareness of the consequences of human activities indicate the growing need to intensify...

To Make Things Last Longer and Create Less Waste

"Circular economy as a part of the concept of society’s sustainable development” is the project of the professional organisation Ambassadors of sustainable development and environment. The goal of this organisation is to...

Improving Circular Economy Practices in the Construction Sector Key to Increasing Material Reuse

The EEA briefing ‘Construction and demolition waste: challenges and opportunities in a circular economy,’ says more must be done in preventing or recycling the large amount of waste produced by the construction...

Textiles EU’s Fourth Largest Cause of Environmental Pressures After Food, Housing, Transport

Consumption of clothing, footwear and household textiles in the European Union (EU) uses annually about 1.3 tonnes of raw materials and more than 100 cubic metres of water per person, according to...

Australian Solar Could Power Singapore Within a Decade

When the 720 km power cable from Norway to the UK made landfall two years ago it was hailed as the longest in the world. Now a Singaporean renewable energy company has...

New Cross-Sector Project Targets Wind Turbine Blades Recycling

The wind energy industry in Europe has joined forces with two other industry bodies to tackle the issue of turbine blades waste.WindEurope, the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) and the European Composites...

Cobalt Production ‘Must Nearly Double to Enable Required EV Growth’

Cobalt production needs to nearly double to make and charge enough electric vehicles (EVs) for the UK to meet its 2050 climate targets.That’s according to a letter co-authored by the Natural History...

World Produced 44m Tonnes of E-Waste in 2017

More than 44 million tonnes of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) was produced globally in 2017, with a majority being sent to landfill.That’s more than six kilograms for every person on the...

Government and Recyclers Partnership Offers the Best Solutions

During the recycling process, waste is converted into raw materials that can be further used in the production process. The use of recycled materials saves natural resources and energy. Recycling pollutes the...

Global Resource Consumption ‘to Double by 2060’

By 2060, global consumption of raw resources is set to nearly double to 167 gigatonnes.That’s according to a new OECD report, which warns as the global economy expands, living standards rise and world...

Lego Says It Will Eliminate Plastic by 2030

In children’s playrooms and family living room floors around the world, small plastic blocks are a staple. In today’s world, Lego is synonymous with plastic. For this reason, the recent news from...

Valuable Wetlands Are Disappearing 3 Times Faster Than Forests, New Study Warns

Wetlands around the world are disappearing at an alarming rate. New research shows that these valuable ecosystems are vanishing at a rate three times that of forests. Unless significant changes are made,...

EU Lends €80m to Develop Greener Vehicle Components

CIE Automotive will invest the money in its plants in seven countries A global supplier for the car industry has been granted €80 million (£71m) to develop innovative technologies that ensure more efficient...

Every Cotton T-Shirt Costs the Environment $3.40

Ma Earth is paying through its nose for the clothing we produce, according to a study that quantifies, for the first time, the price we exact from the ecosystem for our clothing....



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