Search results for:public transport

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The Growth of EV Charging Network

According to the data coming from public and private companies, the number of delivered and installed chargers for electric vehicles is on the rise in Serbia. If this upward trend in the...

ABB and Volvo to Electrify Gothenburg’s City Streets

Starting in 2020, 157 new Volvo electric buses will start trafficking the streets of Gothenburg, Mölndal and Partille, powered by charging infrastructure solutions from market leading provider, ABB. This landmark announcement represents...

Farewell to Long Charging and Short Radius

Cities around the world face the challenge of finding solutions for public transportation that can reduce harmful gas emissions and noise, and at the same time reduce operating costs to a minimum....

Green Priorities of Belgrade

The consequences of climate change and global warming are becoming more pronounced in urban areas, and the problem is even greater due to the fact the cities, to a large extent, generate...

Don’t Pursue Economic Growth at Expense of Environment – Report

Pursuing economic growth at the expense of the environment is no longer an option as Europe faces “unprecedented” challenges from climate chaos, pollution, biodiversity loss and the overconsumption of natural resources, according...

3 Reasons Why Singapore Is the Smartest City in the World

It’s official: Singapore is the world’s smartest city. That’s according to a new survey Published by Swiss business school IMD and the Singapore University of Technology and Design - the IMD Smart...

Little Progress Made in Tackling Air Pollution in Europe, Research Says

Little progress has been made on tackling air quality in Europe, new research shows, despite public outcry in many countries and increasing awareness of the health impacts of pollution.Levels of the dangerous...

The Belgian Way – High Ambitions and a Search for Compromise

Belgium has a well-developed institutional and legal system in place to protect the environment. Overlapping responsibilities in environmental matters between the federal and federated authorities are unavoidable given the distribution of competences...

Dresden Tram Railyard Gets 1,000-Panel Solar Upgrade

SOLARWATT has equipped a tram railyard in Dresden, Germany, with 1,000 solar panels.The clean energy infrastructure is being installed on the roof of public transport operator Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe’s (DVB) new Trachenberge railyard...

London Gets World’s First 24-Hour Air Pollution Charge Zone

London is the first city in the world to implement a 24-hour, seven day a week Ultra Low Emission Zone, inside which vehicles will have to meet tough emissions standards or face...

Air Pollution Linked to Psychotic Experiences in Young People

Young people living with higher levels of air pollution are significantly more likely to have psychotic experiences, according to the first study of the issue.Researchers analysed the experiences of more than 2,000...

Pink and Green Are the Colours of Love!

Sabac is located in the north of northeastern Serbia, and it covers an area of 795 square kilometres inhabited by around 130 thousand people. Its citizens speak proudly about towns’ past –...

Electric Buses Will Soon Be Picking Up Passengers in Ecuador

Electric buses will soon be picking up passengers in Ecuador after 20 of the low carbon vehicles were delivered to the city of Guayaquil. Technology giant BYD has worked with private bus operator...

Oslo Adding 70 Electric Buses This Year

Oslo, Norway is the capital environmental city for Europe in 2019 and is dedicated to becoming a zero emissions city by 2030. So it is fitting that it is adding 70 electric...

Austria – One of the Best Destinations for Eco-Tourism in the World

The sustainable development is a goal which the Austrian government aims for, and there are certain areas where that goal has been almost completely achieved. Austria holds a PEFC certificate for sustainable...

EU invests €116m in climate and environmental projects

The European Commission has announced an investment worth €116 million (£102m) to support 12 large-scale environmental and climate projects. They are being funded under the LIFE programme for the Environment and Climate Change,...



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