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Polluting Our Soils Is Polluting Our Future

Soil is a finite resource, meaning its loss and degradation is not recoverable within a human lifespan. Soils affect the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, our...

A Road to Greener Development – China’s Story of Eliminating Freon

Ozone-depleting substances, or ODS, have posed a serious threat to the Earth's fragile ozone layer. To mitigate the hazardous influence, in 1989, a universal agreement known as the Montreal Protocol on Substances...

Don’t Pursue Economic Growth at Expense of Environment – Report

Pursuing economic growth at the expense of the environment is no longer an option as Europe faces “unprecedented” challenges from climate chaos, pollution, biodiversity loss and the overconsumption of natural resources, according...

Why Mercury Still Poses Important Threats to Human Health

In July, a 47-year-old woman showed up at the emergency department of her local hospital in Sacramento, California. Her speech was slurred, she couldn’t walk, and she was unable to feel her...

How to Manage Air Quality Data

As part of the “FOI-4-ALL“ competition, conducted by the Bureau for Social Research in cooperation with the Partners for Democratic Change Serbia, and Law Scanner, the Fractal organization has got down to...

Antarctic Ozone Hole Is Smallest on Record

In 2019, the hole that developed in the ozone layer over Antarctica was the smallest on record since the ozone hole was first discovered, according to scientists at NASA and the US...

Little Progress Made in Tackling Air Pollution in Europe, Research Says

Little progress has been made on tackling air quality in Europe, new research shows, despite public outcry in many countries and increasing awareness of the health impacts of pollution.Levels of the dangerous...

New Challenges Facing Europe’s Waste Water Treatment Plants Present Opportunities

More investment is needed to make urban waste water treatment plants fit to meet the difficult challenges posed by the impacts of climate change, as well as the presence of antibiotics and...

Protecting Europe’s Land and Soil Resources Is Fundamental for a Sustainable Future

Land and soil underpin life on our planet. The way we currently use these vital and finite resources in Europe is not sustainable. Human activities — growing cities and infrastructure networks, intensive...

Australian Power Stations Among World’s Worst for Toxic Air Pollution

Power stations in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley and New South Wales’s Lake Macquarie region have been named on a list of the world’s biggest hotspots for toxic air pollution.A new report by Greenpeace,...

Berkeley Became First US City to Ban Natural Gas

Berkeley this week became the first city in the United States to ban natural, fossil gas hook-ups in new buildings.The landmark ordinance was passed into law on Tuesday, after being approved unanimously...

Air Pollution ‘May Affect Number of Eggs Ovaries Can Produce’

Air pollution has been linked to a drop in activity of female ovaries, researchers have revealed.Experts say the findings suggest that female reproductive system is affected by environmental factors, although the study...

EU Clean Water Laws Under Attack from Industry Lobbyists

Industry lobbies are mounting a push to roll back EU clean water regulations, even though less than half of the continent’s rivers, wetlands and lakes are in a healthy state.The lobby offensive...

Nearly Every US National Park Is Plagued by ‘Significant’ Air Pollution

A new report outlines the disastrous effects that air pollution is having on our national natural treasures.In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed the National Park Service Organic Act, a federal law that...

US Awards Nearly $10m to Clean Up Polluting School Buses

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded more than $9.3 million (£7.1m) to replace 473 old and polluting diesel school buses.The new funding will be spread across 145 school bus fleets...

Drones Are the New Cost-Effective Way to Monitor the Environment

Bay Journal Riverkeepers, researchers and volunteer monitors have long kept an eye on water quality from the ground and from the river. But, with the help of technology that’s suddenly far more accessible,...



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