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Mexico City, a Megalopolis’ War on Plastic Bags

Paper cones, called “cucuruchos”, have been traditionally used by shoppers in Mexico City for carrying spices and grains. Now these plastic-free alternatives are making a comeback, along with straw baskets and reusable...

This Is What We Can Really Do About Climate Change, Says New Report

It’s not too late to stop climate change. According to new research, decarbonizing fast enough to stabilize the climate and fast-track the planet to net-zero rests on all of us changing how...

How to Grow Air?

Recognizing that their fellow citizens have moved too far away from nature due to lack of time and money and with the desire to bring nature directly into their four walls, five...

Greta Thunberg Says School Strikes Have Achieved Nothing

The global wave of school strikes for the climate over the past year has “achieved nothing” because greenhouse gas emissions have continued to rise, Greta Thunberg has told activists at UN climate...

Toward Congress Anniversary – the 50th International Hvac&R Congress and Exhibition

In 1969 and 1970, in three republicas’ centres of the former Yugoslavia, three conventions were held about the same area of expertise. The common denominator of those professionals’ seminars in Zagreb, Ljubljana...

Global Use of Coal-Fired Electricity Set for Biggest Fall This Year

The world’s use of coal-fired electricity is on track for its biggest annual fall on record this year after more than four decades of near-uninterrupted growth that has stoked the global climate...

Climate Crisis ‘May Have Triggered Faster Wind Speeds’

The global climate crisis could lead to more renewable electricity being generated by spurring faster wind speeds for the world’s growing number of windfarms, according to research.Scientists have discovered that the world’s...

Better Latte Than Never… Compostable Coffee Pods Go on Sale

The first compostable one-cup coffee pods from a major manufacturer will go on sale this week in a battle to stop the 20bn pods used every year around the world from ending...

Bus-Sized Fatberg Weighing 40 Tonnes Cleared from London Sewer

A 40-tonne fatberg the size of a double-decker bus has been cleared from a London sewer by Thames Water engineers who pulled out some of it by hand.The mass of fat, grease...

Oktoberfest ‘Produces 10 Times as Much Methane as Boston’

For the millions of people who descend on Munich for the annual bash, Oktoberfest is a celebration of beer, bands and bratwurst.But as the dust settles for another year on the world’s...

Plastic Alternatives May Worsen Marine Pollution, MPs Warn

Compostable and biodegradable plastics could add to marine pollution because there is no infrastructure in place to make sure they break down correctly, a committee of MPs has warned.The use of alternatives...

Australia Cleared 7.7m Hectares of Threatened Species Habitat Since Introduction of Environment Act

More than 7.7m hectares of habitat have been cleared since the introduction of Australia’s national environment act, according to new research that finds 93% of land cleared was not referred to the...

Energy Self-Sustainable Microgrids Are the Future of Energetics

Professor Zeljko Djurisic lectures at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade. According to anonymous claims on the portal “Rate Professor”, there were students who would only come to the faculty because...

This Is Why Denmark, Sweden and Germany Are Considering a Meat Tax

Carnivores are in the firing line, with nations including Germany, Denmark and Sweden considering a tax on meat. Advocates of such a plan say the environmental impact, health ramifications and concerns about animal...

Tesla Scouting New Factory Locations in Germany

German newspaper Rheinische Post reported on August 25 that representatives from Tesla have been scouting locations for a possible European factory in the state of North Rhine–Westphalia, which is located in western...

A Small Island With Big Plans: The Kingdom of Bahrain Commits to Environmental Sustainability

In June 2019, the Kingdom of Bahrain revealed its plans to ban plastic bags. The move took many by surprise. Ahmed Rajab, a photographer in Bahrain for the Gulf Daily News, is...



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