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The oil and gas industry faces a moment of truth and an opportunity to adapt

Oil and gas producers face pivotal choices about their role in the global energy system amid a worsening climate crisis fuelled in large part by their core products, according to a major...

Greenhouse Gas concentrations hit record high. Again.

The abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere once again reached a new record last year and there is no end in sight to the rising trend, according to a new...

Governments plan to produce double the fossil fuels in 2030 than the 1.5°C warming limit allows

A major new report published today finds that governments plan to produce  around  110 percent more  fossil fuels  in 2030  than would be consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C, and 69 percent more...

Removing Barriers for Green Hydrogen Deployment

According to IRENA’s World Energy Transition Outlook, hydrogen and its derivates are projected to make up 14 percent of global total final energy consumption by 2050 in a world aiming to stay...


Waste from most factories creates landfills, contaminates soil and groundwater, and frequently and significantly affects large bodies of water. Factories like chemical factories, steel mills, crude oil refineries, and aluminium smelters are...

Open Science Conference: We need dramatic climate action to meet unprecedented challenges

Climate change impacts are becoming increasingly severe, posing unprecedented challenges. Dramatic climate action is needed to limit global warming, requiring unprecedented societal transformations to sustain the future of life on Earth, a...

Inside a research centre tracking the fallout from the climate crisis

The past few months have been another stark reminder that the climate crisis is getting worse. Wildfires devastated Hawaii, Canada, and the Canary Islands. Antarctic Sea ice reached its lowest extent since records...


Luxor Solar has been a manufacturer of photovoltaic modules since 2007, with headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. Their development and design center is also located there, in which they invest two to three...

Urgent action to cut methane emissions from fossil fuel operations essential to achieve global climate targets

Decisive, far-reaching efforts to cut methane emissions from fossil fuel production and use must go hand-in-hand with decarbonisation of our energy systems to limit global warming to 1.5 °C, according to a...

How technology can make the climate crisis accessible, undeniable and actionable

We’ve all seen haunting images of receding glaciers, but how many of us have ventured into their melting heartlands, felt the ancient ice slipping away or heard the roar as it cascaded...

Stepping up in renewables towards energy stability

Alessandro Bragonzi, Head of Regional Hub for the Western Balkans, one of the participants in the OIE Serbia 2023 conference, organized by the Association of Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia, wrote for...

Three conditions that will help scale blended finance for nature-positive outcomes

“There is no pathway to limiting global warming to 1.5C without action on protecting and restoring nature,” wrote four architects of the Paris Agreement ahead of the COP15 UN biodiversity conference last December. “Achieving...


The establishment of the Centre for Excellence for Hydrogen and Renewable Energy, CONVINCE, results from systematic long-term research in materials for use in energy and environmental protection at the Vinča Nuclear Research...

Luxor Solar – the highest quality solar modules

The company Luxor Solar is a certified manufacturer of solar modules. They enriched their portfolio with heterojunction cell technology and high-end solar modules. The heterojunction technology impresses with several advantages compared to current...

Extreme weather is the “new norm”

From mountain tops to ocean depths, the summer of extremes continues. Heatwaves are baking large parts of the northern hemisphere, fuelling unprecedented wildfires and disrupting marine ecosystems. Floods have transformed desert landscapes....

Declining electricity consumption in advanced economies is weighing on global demand growth this year

EU electricity demand set to drop to lowest level in 20 years, but with global consumption expected to increase strongly in 2024, growth of renewables is more important than ever. Overall growth in...



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