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Connecting Protected Areas With Green Infrastructure Would Strengthen Europe’s Ecosystems

The European Union’s (EU) network of protected sites, Natura 2000, could be further connected with green infrastructure to create a trans-European nature network. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing highways...

Opatija Will Host the Leading International Gas Conference in Southeast Europe

The jubilee 35th edition of the International Scientific & Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals will open its doors on the 21st of October, 2020 traditionally in Opatija, Croatia.During three days of the...

Europe’s Environmental Footprints Exceed Several Safe Limits

Global sustainability challenges increasingly raise concerns about the stability of the Earth system that supports all life on our planet. A joint study by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Swiss...

Not Business as Usual in Europe’s Largest Fishing Port

On almost any given day, at four-thirty in the morning, while most people are still sleeping, Europe’s biggest fishing port in Vigo, Spain is in full swing.In normal times of operation, shouts...

Robust Monitoring and Targets Are Key in Shifting Europe to a More Circular Economy

Introducing more robust monitoring and targets to spur Europe’s move to a circular economy would help improve resource efficiency, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report. The EEA report ‘Resource efficiency and...

Air Pollution Goes Down as Europe Takes Hard Measures to Combat Coronavirus

The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) data confirm large decreases in air pollutant concentrations — of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in particular — largely due to reduced traffic and other activities, especially in...

Europe Has Warmest Winter on Record

The past winter was by far the warmest on record for Europe, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service/ECMWF. It was the second warmest February, both globally and for Europe.From December 2019...

Number of Europeans Exposed to Harmful Noise Pollution Expected to Increase

Road traffic is the top source of noise pollution in Europe, the new EEA report ‘Noise in Europe – 2020’ says, with noise levels projected to rise in both urban and rural...

European Transport Needs to Adapt to Rising Climate Risks

From road and rail networks to ports, airports and inland waterways, critical transport resources are facing unprecedented threats from climate change impacts, notably severe flooding.However, adapting transport systems to rising climate risks...

Why Does Europe Need to Limit Climate Change and Adapt to Its Impacts?

The increased exposure to climate related hazards will differ from region to region across Europe, according to the EEA story map. The background briefing shows examples of selected risks across Europe. It...

European Union Continues to Phase-Down Its Use of Climate-Warming Fluorinated Gases

The EEA report ‘Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2019’ assesses the data reported in 2019 by European companies on the production, import, export, destruction and feedstock use of F-gases until 2018. It looks at...

PFAS Pollution Is Widespread in Europe but Risks Are Still Poorly Understood

The EEA briefing ‘Emerging chemical risks in Europe — PFAS’ presents an overview of the known and potential risks to human health and the environment in Europe posed by per- and polyfluorinated...

Migration v Climate: Europe’s New Political Divide

The crowd that gathered outside Hungary’s neo-gothic parliament building on Friday was loud, young and passionate. The latest round of global school climate strikes drew several thousand people in Budapest, including the...

European Investment Bank to Phase Out Fossil Fuel Financing

The European Investment Bank has agreed to phase out its multibillion-euro financing for fossil fuels within the next two years to become the world’s first ‘“climate bank”.The bank will end its financing...

41 European Mayors Declare Support for a Just Transition from Coal

A group of 41 mayors from 10 coal regions in 9 European countries are launching a statement supporting a just transition to the post-coal era. Two of the mayors - from the...

Little Progress Made in Tackling Air Pollution in Europe, Research Says

Little progress has been made on tackling air quality in Europe, new research shows, despite public outcry in many countries and increasing awareness of the health impacts of pollution.Levels of the dangerous...



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