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The Green Week’s Fifth Day – Investing for Future Generations

Friday looked at investing for future generations to ensure prosperity and well-being in the long term. Participants across Europe explored what actions can be taken today to ensure sustainable development and growth...

Never Give Up

RENEXPO® Water Management will be held from 06th to 08th June 2016 in Holiday Inn Hotel, in Belgrade. Therefore, we interviewed Mrs Myriam Fridman Dobrota, who has been preparing with REECO team numerous...

The Green Week’s Third Day – Investing for a Greener Future

Wednesday looked at the how to make the investments that we need to ensure a greener future. Participants explored innovative ideas and concrete solutions that already exist to finance green initiatives. The day...

The Internet of Things

The digital revolution, also called the 4th revolution, started in 1969, but today it is mostly related to software. The change is in paradigm shift, of which one is related to the...

Ontario Investing up to $900M in Energy Retrofits for Social Housing, Private Residential Apartment Buildings

Climate Change Action Plan will reduce GHGs, create jobs, support sustainable communities. Ontario is leading the fight against climate change by investing up to $900 million over four years from cap and trade...

Cornwall Feels the Force of Community Energy

Towns and villages will be helped to take control of their own energy systems as part of Cornish devolution. Cornwall Council is supporting communities to develop plans to take control of local energy...

BRANKO DUNJIC: The Best and the Most Successful Companies have Integrated Principles of Clean Production in the Basis of Their Business

UNIDO (United Nations Development Organization) is the United Nation’s specialised agency that promotes sustainable industrial development. UNIDO encourages the reduction of poverty in developing countries, as well as development of economy in...

IEA urges Belgium to take a long-term approach to energy policy

Belgium should adopt a national long-term energy strategy without delay, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said today, stressing that such a plan was required to respond to the challenge of decarbonising the...

Paris Agreement signing ceremony in New York – the EU calls for swift ratification

The signing ceremony, convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, follows the adoption of the world's first universal climate change agreement by 195 countries in Paris on 12 December 2015. The European Union...

Decoupling of global emissions and economic growth confirmed

IEA analysis shows energy-related emissions of CO2 stalled for the second year in a row as renewable energy surged. Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) – the largest source of man-made greenhouse...

Towards Energy Union: The Commission presents sustainable energy security package

The Commission on 16th of February presented its energy security package with necessary proposals to equip the EU for global energy transition as well as to be prepared for possible energy supply...

2017 BMW 330e plug-in hybrid on sale in late summer

BMW has finally set a U.S. launch date for its plug-in hybrid 3-Series variant. The plug-in hybrid was briefly mentioned during BMW's unveiling of a mid-cycle refresh for the entire 3-Series lineup...

India introduces car sales tax to combat pollution

India has introduced a new tax on car sales aimed at helping fight high levels of air pollution and congestion. The surprise move, announced by the finance minister, Arun Jaitley, is a...

Malta investing in Montenegro Energy Sector

Investment in the wind farm at Možura hill is a first step of possible cooperation between Montenegro and Malta in energy sector, prime minister Milo Đukanović said, adding he is sure that...

China’s new wind power capacity hits record high

China's newly installed wind power capacity reached a record high in 2015 amid increasing efforts from the government to boost clean energy. The new wind power capacity jumped to 32.97 gigawatts last...

First Anaerobic Digestion Biogas Plant Opened in Macedonia

The first organic waste to biogas anaerobic digestion facility in Macedonia has been officially opened by the country’s Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Mihail Cvetkov last Friday. Located on a...



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