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G7 Members Have a Unique Opportunity to Lead the World Towards Electricity Sectors With Net Zero Emissions

G7 members are well placed to fully decarbonise their electricity supply by 2035, which would accelerate the technological advances and infrastructure rollouts needed to lead global energy markets towards net zero emissions...

World Energy Outlook 2021 Shows a New Energy Economy is Emerging – But not yet Quickly Enough to Reach Net Zero by 2050

A new energy economy is emerging around the world as solar, wind, electric vehicles and other low-carbon technologies flourish. But as the pivotal moment of COP26 approaches, the IEA’s new World Energy...

WMO Commits to a Greener Future

The World Meteorological Organization has signed a long-term agreement with Services Industriels de Genève (SIG) to connect the  WMO building to a new environmentally friendly initiative called GENILAC. The agreement was signed by...

The Energy Hat-Trick

How to introduce energy efficiency, mitigate carbon footprint and reduce electricity bills? And can it be achieved at a single blow? This triple benefit is possible to attain by building the solar...

EBRD Launches Energy Compact for its Urban Sustainability Programme

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching its own Energy Compact to support the energy transition, focussed on investments within its flagship urban sustainability programme, EBRD Green Cities. The...

Solving the Chicken and Egg Problem: Auctions for Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen (hydrogen produced from renewable energy) has received increasing attention across the energy sector in recent years, given its capability to decarbonise ‘hard to abate’ sectors (such as steelmaking) and provide...

The Role of Resource Extraction in a “Circular” World

If the latest major report on global warming makes one thing clear, it’s that humanity must transition to a low-carbon economy, and fast. To do that, many countries are embracing what’s known as...

Hybrid Power Plants & Flexibility — The Future Of The Grid

Imagine an electric grid powered by clean, renewable energy. Now imagine that this grid provides all the comfort and convenience consumers have come to expect as well as grid reliability and resiliency...

RES for Our Health and Survival

The Association Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia (RES Serbia) has taken only three months to become a significant factor in Serbia’s green market and be acknowledged as a regional player. It is a...

Hot Rock Energy Storage Will Soon Be A Reality In Denmark’s Electricity Grid

The Danish company Stiesdal, which is behind the TetraSpar full-scale demonstration project of the world’s first industrialized offshore foundation manufacturing and deployment system for wind turbines, is now realizing the first commercial demonstration energy storage...

Using Hot Sand To Store Energy

As communities, cities, and states develop ambitious energy efficiency and decarbonization goals, energy storage is an increasingly critical component of our energy economy. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are changing how...

These Five Cities Are Taking Aim at Air Pollution

Around the world, more than 90 percent of people breathe in air that the World Health Organization (WHO) considers potentially harmful. While the source of air pollution varies – some come from vehicle...

Young Tunisian entrepreneur unlocks opportunities in the natural and organic cosmetics industry

Demand for natural and organic cosmetics is booming. Consumers are increasingly aware of the ingredients they put on their skin and want to know how cosmetics are made and by whom. In...

Australia In The Race For Green Hydrogen

There is a green gold rush going on in Australia at the moment. Billions in investment is flowing into the production of green hydrogen. The plans include massive wind and solar farms. And...

What Skills do Youth Need for Green Jobs of the Future?

In the next decade, millions of new “green” jobs will be created in new-wave industries, like solar energy, and established fields, like architecture, fashion and farming. For young people, these jobs will represent...

EBRD, EU and Austria finance energy efficiency in Serbia’s homes

Households in Serbia are set to benefit from the further expansion of the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) with a new EUR 5 million loan in local currency provided by the European...



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