Search results for:climate action

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Deutsche Bank Vows to End New Coal Lending, in Line with Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement and the global divestment campaign has secured one of its biggest victories to date, after banking giant Deutsche Bank announced it would halt investment in new coal projects in...

Trump Clears Way for Controversial Oil Pipelines

U.S. President Donald Trump signed orders on Tuesday smoothing the path for the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines in a move to expand energy infrastructure and roll back key...

IRENA Convenes Legislators Forum to Engage Key Actors in Renewable Energy Policy

Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., 13 January 2017 — Lawmakers from around the world are meeting today in Abu Dhabi to discuss the policies needed to support the transformation of the global energy system....

Solar Panel Researchers Investigate Powering Trains by Bypassing Grid

Imperial College and climate change charity 10:10 to focus on connecting solar panels directly to train lines, reports BusinessGreen. Imperial College London has partnered with the climate change charity 10:10 to investigate the...

Sydney Air Pollution Alert Issued as Temperature Heads to 38C

An air pollution alert has been issued for Sydney residents due to a high level of ozone, already exceeding government standards for the entire year. The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage put...

Green Infrastructure Investment Set to Plummet 95 Per Cent by 2020

UK investment in renewables looks set to plummet by up to 95 per cent over the next three years, the think tank Green Alliance has warned in a new analysis of the...

Norway’s Biggest Oil Company to Build Huge Offshore Wind Farm Off Coast of New York

If everything goes to plan, New York City and Long Island will be harnessing the Atlantic Ocean's strong and dependable winds as a source of renewable energy. Norway's biggest oil company will be...

Australian Government Says New Efficiency Standards Could Cut Fuel Spending by $28bn

New standards could reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions by up to 65m tonnes by 2030, government claims. The Turnbull government has opened discussions on new fuel efficiency standards for vehicles which it says...

Gazprom’s Positions Remaining Stable Amid Changing External Environment

The Gazprom Board of Directors took note of the information about the impacts caused by the events of 2016 on the long-term outlook for the global energy market. It was highlighted that a...

Barack Obama Bans Oil and Gas Drilling in Most of Arctic and Atlantic Oceans

Obama uses law that allows presidents to block sale of new offshore drilling and mining rights and makes it difficult for their successors to reverse decision. Barack Obama has permanently banned new oil...

Major Global Groundwater Resources Could Be Depleted by 2050s

In the decades to come, a new study indicates that humans might seriously deplete groundwater resources throughout much of the world, including parts of India, southern Europe, and the US. And when...

Boone, NC Passes Historic Resolution: Ditch Fossil Fuels, Go 100% Clean Energy

With an incoming presidential administration seemingly hostile towards action on climate change, local solutions are now more important than ever. With or without Donald Trump's help, the North Carolina municipality of Boone...

A Place for Waste in 2017

In the United States, approximately 34 million tons of food is delivered to landfills annually, accounting for 35 percent of total landfill waste. Once in the landfill, this food slowly decomposes, emitting...

Fossil Fuel Divestment Pledges Top $5tr, as Investors ‘Fast Losing Faith’ in High Carbon Assets

The anniversary of the Paris Agreement was marked today with the release of a new report, revealing companies and individuals with nearly $5.2tr of assets under management have now pledged to divest...

UNIDO Lecture Explores Integrated Energy Solutions

"Energy is a key enabler of industrial development, and sustainable energy is a cross-cutting solution for social, economic and environmental sustainability,” said Pradeep Monga, Director of the  Energy Department at the United...

Australia’s Energy Transmission Industry Calls for Carbon Trading

Australia’s electricity and gas transmission industry is calling on the Turnbull government to implement a form of carbon trading in the national electricity market by 2022 and review the scope for economy-wide...



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