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Fighting Environmental Injustice in Europe

Behind the dominant narrative of the Greek crisis, there is a story of resource exploitation that will be all too familiar to millions of people in Latin America, Africa and Asia. With their...

Closure of One of the World’s Biggest Dumpsites

ISWA (The International Solid Waste Association), and ABRELPE (The Brazilian Association of Public Cleansing and Waste Management Companies) have taken their “closedumpsites” campaign to Brazil, home to some of the world’s largest...

The Cost of Air Pollution: Strengthening the Economic Case for Action

The Cost of Air Pollution: Strengthening the economic case for action, a joint study of the World Bank and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), seeks to estimate the costs...

London is Charging Old, Polluting Vehicles a £10 Fine to Drive in the City

A new law will charge old, polluting cars a £10 fee to drive in central London. London’s mayor Sadiq Khan said that the “T-charge” will help quell the massive amounts of pollution...

End Fossil Fuel Subsidies by 2020, Insurers and Investors Tell G20

A coalition of 16 leading investors and insurers, including Aviva Investors, Aegon Asset Management and Legal & General, have today urged G20 nations to halt all subsidies for fossil fuels by the...

65 Per Cent of British Public Support New Clean Air Act, Says Survey

More than half of the British public believe air pollution levels across the UK are damaging to their health and almost two-thirds back proposals for new laws to tackle the issue, according...

Floods, Food Security and Wildlife Loss Top Public’s Climate Change Concerns

Nearly two thirds of British adults accept climate change is happening and is primarily due to human activity, according to a major new poll that detects a "discernible shift" in the public's...

European Smog Could Be 27 Times More Toxic than Air Pollution in China

Much of the air pollution in China comes from natural sources, rather than the burning of fossil fuels that makes up most of the problem in the West. Smog in Europe and North...

UK Offshore Wind ‘Will Lower Energy Bills’ More than Nuclear

Offshore windfarms could provide cheaper power than Britain's new wave of nuclear power stations, a leading figure in the wind industry has claimed. Speaking to the the Guardian, Hugh McNeal, the chief executive...

Improving the Implementation of European Environmental Policy

Today's adoption of the Environmental Implementation Review marks the beginning of a new process in improving how environmental laws are applied for the benefit of citizens, administrations and economy. The Commission will address...

Rising Carbon Emissions Could Kill Off Vital Corals by 2100, Study Warns

The destruction of coral reefs worldwide could accelerate as rising carbon emissions help coral-killing seaweeds grow more poisonous and take over, according to researchers. A Griffith University study on the Great Barrier Reef...

Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions Down 7 Percent Since 2014

MIT’s total campus emissions have dropped by 7 percent since 2014, according to MIT’s second annual greenhouse gas inventory. The inventory, whose results were released by the MIT Office of Sustainability in...

First Agreements Signed for Uranium Mining Legacy Fund

The EBRD’s latest nuclear safety fund is making progress. Framework agreements have been signed with the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan which will provide the legal basis for implementation of projects in these...

Commission Delivers on its Circular Economy Promises

One year after adopting its Circular Economy Package, the Commission has reported on delivery and progress to date, and tabled new ideas on waste management and investment. One year after adopting its Circular...

We Produce Biogas and Save up to 140,000 Euros per Year

Plant for the waste water treatment in the Carlsberg beer factory in Čelarevo opened in 2010 in the presence of the top state officials. This brewery is among the first in Serbia...

IRENA Director Urges Faster Pace on Decarbonization

“As we advance deeper into a new energy paradigm, we need to pick-up the pace of our decarbonization efforts.” That was the message this week from the director-general of the International Renewable...



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