Search results for:climate changE

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Green Priorities of Belgrade

The consequences of climate change and global warming are becoming more pronounced in urban areas, and the problem is even greater due to the fact the cities, to a large extent, generate...

Greta Thunberg Says School Strikes Have Achieved Nothing

The global wave of school strikes for the climate over the past year has “achieved nothing” because greenhouse gas emissions have continued to rise, Greta Thunberg has told activists at UN climate...

Balthazar from Fruska Gora

For some passers-by, Milivoj Pejin’s house in Sremska Kamenica is a seemingly ordinary family home that does not differ from its surroundings. More informed people are aware that this is not the...

Renewable Energy Ambition in NDCs Must Double by 2030

Countries are being urged to significantly raise renewable energy ambition and adopt targets to transform the global energy system in the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), according to a new...

Don’t Pursue Economic Growth at Expense of Environment – Report

Pursuing economic growth at the expense of the environment is no longer an option as Europe faces “unprecedented” challenges from climate chaos, pollution, biodiversity loss and the overconsumption of natural resources, according...

Lorenzo Quinn’s Sculpture ‘Support’ to Warn of Rising Sea Levels at COP25

A 3-meter version of Lorenzo Quinn’s monumental sculpture “Support” is on display at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP25 in Madrid (2-13 December) to remind participants of rising sea levels that...

How About Being a Tourist in Belgrade?

Although the winter is already here, we could still remember summer rides on electric scooters in city streets and nature spots. Now we are waiting for warmer days, long walks and two-wheelers...

Cut Global Emissions by 7.6 Percent Every Year to Meet 1.5°C Paris Target

On the eve of a year in which nations are due to strengthen their Paris climate pledges, a new UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report warns that unless global greenhouse gas emissions fall...

Toward Congress Anniversary – the 50th International Hvac&R Congress and Exhibition

In 1969 and 1970, in three republicas’ centres of the former Yugoslavia, three conventions were held about the same area of expertise. The common denominator of those professionals’ seminars in Zagreb, Ljubljana...

Light Pollution Is Key ‘Bringer of Insect Apocalypse’

Light pollution is a significant but overlooked driver of the rapid decline of insect populations, according to the most comprehensive review of the scientific evidence to date.Artificial light at night can affect...

Afforestation as a Mission

Harmonization of environmental and climate change regulations is a long-term process. It is known that these regulations are continually changing and improving at EU level, as well as a lack of administrative...

UNESCO Closely Follows Tides and Flooding in Venice World Heritage Site

The UNESCO World Heritage Centre is closely monitoring the state of conservation of the World Heritage site of Venice and its Lagoon. Inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1987, Venice faces several...

Why Mercury Still Poses Important Threats to Human Health

In July, a 47-year-old woman showed up at the emergency department of her local hospital in Sacramento, California. Her speech was slurred, she couldn’t walk, and she was unable to feel her...

World Energy Outlook 2019 Highlights Deep Disparities in the Global Energy System

Deep disparities define today’s energy world. The dissonance between well-supplied oil markets and growing geopolitical tensions and uncertainties. The gap between the ever-higher amounts of greenhouse gas emissions being produced and the...

The Course of the Energy (R)Evolution in Germany

The term evolution, referring to a gradual and continuous social development, is often used as a total opposite to the term revolution, which brings sudden and dramatic shifts of the existing system....

Global Investment in Cutting Greenhouse Gases Fell by 11% in 2018

Investment in greenhouse gas emission reduction fell last year despite the growing urgency of the climate crisis, and the benefits of outlays were cancelled out by investments globally in fossil fuels and...



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