Search results for:sustainable development

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Investment Plan for Europe: EIB support Helsinki’s “second city centre”

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a loan agreement with YIT of Finland, in support of energy efficiency in an urban development project in Helsinki. The loan is guaranteed under the...

Peru Brings Electricity to Rural Communities

Peru increased access to electrical power to more than 105,000 low income rural households, through a World Bank-supported program to extend the electrical grid and install solar power systems. This electrification effort...

KPA Unicon and Koskisen Oy have signed an operations and maintenance contract

The aim of the contract is cooperation which allows Koskisen Oy to focus on their core business, and to support the achievement of profit targets and the customer's production targets as well...

The Fourth Green Week Day – Safeguarding our Oceans for the Future

Thursday looked at investing in our oceans to ensure that they stay healthy and productive for future generations. Participants across Europe explored the potential of our oceans – if used responsibly –...

BRANKO DUNJIC: The Best and the Most Successful Companies have Integrated Principles of Clean Production in the Basis of Their Business

UNIDO (United Nations Development Organization) is the United Nation’s specialised agency that promotes sustainable industrial development. UNIDO encourages the reduction of poverty in developing countries, as well as development of economy in...

UNIDO supports creation of Mesoamerican Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

The General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SG-SICA) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) today announced last week a strategic partnership on the creation of a Mesoamerican Centre...

EPS and KfW together to green energy, Arne Gooss, director of KfW bank in Serbia

For us, EPS is an important partner within our cooperation with Serbia. ЕPS is definitively on the right track to improve its future performance on market bases. The German development bank (KfW)...

NREL Explains the Higher Cellulolytic Activity of a Vital Microorganism

Researchers at the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the BioEnergy Science Center (BESC) say better understanding of a bacterium could lead to cheaper production of cellulosic ethanol and other...

Governor Cuomo Launches $5 Billion Clean Energy Fund to Grow New York’s Clean Energy Economy

Clean Energy Fund will advance solar, wind, energy efficiency and other clean tech industries to spur economic development and reduce harmful emissions. Today's unprecedented action will result in lower energy costs for...

Belgrade Has Regional Significance and the Duty To Be the Leader

Secretariat for environmental protection presented the Action plan for adaptation to climate change on 19th November 2015. This is just one of the activities that is in accordance with the ambitions and...

EBRD boosts steel dust recycling in Turkey

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is promoting industrial waste recycling in Turkey with a US$ 20 million loan to Befesa Silvermet İskenderun Çelik Tozu Geri Dönüşümü A.Ş., a company...



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