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Denmark to Build Offshore Wind Turbine Higher than Eiffel Tower

Manufacturers led by Siemens AG are working to almost double the capacity of the current range of turbines, which already have wing spans that surpass those of the largest jumbo jets. The...

Mountaintop Removal Site Could Become Kentucky’s Largest Solar Farm

Kentucky, like most of the Appalachian region, has been in economic distress since the bust of the coal mining industry. But, new hope for jobs and the ravaged environment may come in...

Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano: Green Climate Fund Will Be the Biggest Financial Mechanism

Climate change is a global problem and the obligation of each country is to actively participate in the fight against all these changes. Serbia plans to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement by...

Hyundai Reportedly Working on Next-Gen Solid-State Batteries for Electric Vehicles

Major car companies like Hyundai have toyed with both hydrogen and electricity for clean fuel sources, but now it seems the Seoul, South Korea-based manufacturer may be taking a major step towards...

Households to Dump 235 Million Tonnes of Clothing in Landfill this Spring

Hundreds of millions of tonnes of clothing is set to be dumped in landfill this spring by UK consumers unaware that much of it can be reused or recycled, according to new...

Dressing for Long-Term Success: H&M Vows to Become ‘Climate Positive’ by 2040

Swedish fashion giant H&M has unveiled new plans to become a 'climate positive' retailer throughout its value chain by 2040. The headline target is a key plank of the retailers new '100 per...

Why Cities are Outpacing Countries in the Race to Curb Climate Change

Cities from Oslo to Sydney are setting goals to curb climate change that exceed national targets, causing tensions with central governments about who controls policy over green energy and transport and construction. More...

Vattenfall Vows to Step Up Renewables Investment

Vattenfall has confirmed plans to extend one of its Scottish wind farms, just days after the Swedish energy giant announced it is looking to invest nearly $2bn in wind projects over the...

Poland Could Derive up to 30% of its Heating from Geothermal Resources

Poland has large untapped potential for utilising geothermal energy. The country estimates that up to 30% of its heating demand could be covered by geothermal heating. According to estimates, geothermal resources in Poland....

Trump has Launched a Blitzkrieg in the Wars on Science and Earth’s Climate

 Yesterday, Donald Trump signed an executive order taking aim at America’s climate policies. On the heels of a report finding that the world needs to halve its carbon pollution every decade to...

Gazprom Neft to Build Hydrogen Unit at Omsk Refinery

PJSC Gazprom Neft is adding a unit for hydrogen production at the 21.4 million-tonne/year Omsk refinery in Western Siberia as part of the company’s ongoing modernization and upgrading program aimed at reducing...

World Abandoning Coal in Dramatic Style Raises Hope of Avoiding Dangerous Global Warming, Says Report

As Donald Trump pledges to put coal miners back to work in the United States, the rest of the world appears to have suddenly started moving in the opposite direction, abandoning the...

Radmila Šerović: Waste Materials of One Industry Will Become Raw Materials of Another

The Chief of the Department for Waste Management at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection is Ms Radmila Šerović who has been working in the state administration since 2002. More precisely,...

NYC’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral Goes Green with New Geothermal Plant

When St. Patrick’s Day revelers parade past St. Patrick’s Cathedral on NYC’s 5th Avenue this coming Friday, they will be celebrating not just the patron saint of Ireland, but also a renewable...

Northvolt Charges Up Plans for Europe’s Biggest Battery Factory

Swedish start-up Northvolt has announced plans to build Europe's largest lithium-ion battery factory to support growing demand for electric vehicles and energy storage. Earmarked for an as-yet-unspecified site "in the Nordic region", the...

Analysts: UK Carbon Emissions Hit Lowest Levels Since 1920s

UK carbon emissions last year reached their lowest level since the general strikes and the Wall Street Crash of the 1920s pushed emissions to a record low. That is the conclusion of a...



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