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Philips Lighting Flicks Switch on Gulf’s First Major Renewables Certificates Deal

Interest in securing 100 per cent renewable power has stepped up a gear in the Gulf region, with the news Philips Lighting has become the first major global corporate to purchase renewable...

Air Pollution & Dust Cuts Solar Cell Energy Output By Over 25% In Some Parts Of The World, Study Finds

A new study has now quantified the solar cell energy output loss occurring around the world as a result of air pollution and dust — bringing one of the most serious limitations...

Here Comes the Sun: LEON Switches to 100 Per Cent Solar Power for the Summer

Healthy fast food chain LEON has switched to sourcing 100 per cent solar power over the summer months, as part of its supply deal with Opus Energy. The company made the switch last...

London to Upgrade 5,000 Buses to Euro VI Air Quality Standard by 2020

London's 5,000 most polluting buses are to be upgraded to the latest Euro VI emission standard by 2020 under a new retrofit programme announced yesterday by the city's Mayor, Sadiq Khan. Under the...

Canada Is Now 1.7 Degrees Warmer Than In 1948

Average global temperatures keep rising. While 2016 is the warmest year on record, the previous record was set in 2015 and, before that, 2014. A new joint report from Health Canada and...

Sadiq Khan: Gove Must Get a Grip on ‘Life and Death’ Air Pollution Crisis

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has requested an urgent meeting with the new environment secretary, Michael Gove, to urge him to get a grip on Britain's "life and death" air pollution...

Volvo Ocean Race Team Will Raise Awareness Of Ocean Plastic Danger

A team in this year’s Volvo Ocean Race is dedicated to raising global awareness of danger posed by ocean plastic. The Volvo Ocean Race is one of the premier sailing competitions in...

California Named US State With Worst Air Quality, Yet Again

The state of California has again been named by the American Lung Association as the US state with the worst air quality — mostly as a result of having the highest ozone/smog...

EU Moves to Restrict Hormone-Disrupting Chemical Found in Plastics

A chemical found in CDs, DVDs, kettles and water bottles could soon be restricted after the EU authorities ruled that it posed a threat to human health because of its effects on...

US Solar Industry Creates Jobs 17 Times Faster Than Rest Of The Economy

A new report released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reveals that solar jobs in the U.S. (and other nations) are expanding quickly. As of November 2016, the American solar industry...

Carlsberg Brews Up Science-Based Zero Carbon Targets

Carlsberg has unveiled an ambitious new sustainability programme aimed at wiping out the carbon footprint of its breweries by 2030 and putting the company in line with a 1.5C climate scenario. Launched today,...

Germany and California Bolster Climate Cooperation as US Backs Off G7 Statement

Germany and California have agreed to bolster their cooperation on tackling climate change, as international criticism continues to mount over the US government's decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement. Just days...

AMSTERDAM: Mobilize for a Clean, Prosperous Future

Amsterdam has ambitious aspirations to slash its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), phase out fossil fuels, and usher in a clean energy future. The city’s sustainability vision is panoramic in scope, encompassing the management...

Canadian Solar Beats Guidance in Solid First Quarter

Ontario-based Canadian Solar published its first quarter earnings this week, beating its own guidance in terms of shipments and net revenue, and holding up well against previous quarters and expected losses in...

ALEKSANDAR JOVOVIC: The Key Problem Is the Situation in the Society and in Public

Our interlocutor is Aleksandar Jovovic, a full professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The focus in research and scientific work of the Professor Jovovic is process engineering and...

Denmark Intends to Be the World’s FIRST 100% Organic Nation

Bhutan announced its plan to become the world’s first 100% organic nation in 2013, but it now has some competition. That’s right, Denmark’s government announced its plan to become Earth’s first 100%...



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