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UK Ranked 24th Out Of 28 EU Member States for Renewable Energy

The UK has one of the lowest rates of renewable energy consumption in Europe, according to new figures. The European Union has a target of 20 per cent of energy use coming from...

Huge Win for Renewables in Maryland as Lawmakers Override Governor’s Veto

Lawmakers in the Maryland Senate voted 32-13 Thursday to expand the state's renewable energy target restoring the Clean Energy Jobs Act and overriding Republican Gov. Larry Hogan's veto of the measure in...

There Is Constantly Fewer Water Resources, Better Management Is Necessary

While preparing for the interview with PhD Nebojša Veljković, we have performed several experiments and easily made sure that the litre of water is more expensive than the litre of petrol. Continuation...

Deutsche Bank Vows to End New Coal Lending, in Line with Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement and the global divestment campaign has secured one of its biggest victories to date, after banking giant Deutsche Bank announced it would halt investment in new coal projects in...

Cities in Transition

The EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum (KSF) and the Green Digital Charter (GDC) jointly hosted the conference ‘Cities in transition – the role of digital in shaping our future cities’ on 25 January...

EU Hails Clean Energy ‘Year of Delivery’

The European Union is on track to meet its renewable energy, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emission targets for 2020 following a 'year of delivery' across the renewables sector, according to a...

Transforming the Power Sector, at IRENA Ministerial Meeting

Renewable energy, for three years running, has accounted for more new power generation capacity installed worldwide than all other sources combined. In 2015, over USD 270 billion were invested in solar PV...

China to Take Leadership Position on Energy Storage in East Asia-Pacific Region, World Bank Says

China likely will become the largest energy storage market in the East Asia & Pacific region, with a potential to install about 9 GW of utility-scale and behind-the-meter systems in 2025, according...

MEPs Back Higher Recycling Targets

MEPs on the EU's environment committee yesterday backed the adoption of more ambitious waste and recycling targets under the Circular Economy Package. The lawmakers voted to boost the municipal recycling target from 65...

UK Offshore Wind Power Costs Tumble 32 Per Cent in Four Years

UK offshore wind power costs have plummeted by almost a third in four years, putting the technology on course to soon be level with the cost of conventional power generation, a report...

Solar Employs More Workers Than Coal, Oil and Natural Gas Combined

U.S. solar employs more workers than any other energy industry, including coal, oil and natural gas combined, according to the U.S. Department of Energy's second annual U.S. Energy and Employment Report. 6.4 million...

EBRD and AIFC Launch Study for Green Financial System in Kazakhstan

In a new step to support Kazakhstan’s path towards a greener economy, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching a study that will assess the potential of developing a...

Scotland Sets Ambitious Goal of 66% Emissions Cut within 15 Years

Scotland is seeking to dramatically cut its reliance on fossil fuels for cars, energy and homes after setting a radical target to cut total climate emissions by 66% within 15 years. In one...

UN Chief Guterres Calls to Curb Climate Change at Davos Forum

Addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres yesterday called for a new generation of partnerships with the business community to limit the impact of climate change...

Bulgaria and Serbia Signed Memorandum of Understanding on Gas Interconnector

Bulgarian outgoing Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova and her Serbian counterpart - Minister of Energy and Mining Aleksandar Antić, inked a Memorandum of Understanding on the project for construction of a gas...

France’s Energy Transition Is Vital for Energy Security, According to Latest IEA Review

The International Energy Agency (IEA) praised France for setting in motion significant reforms towards more secure, affordable and sustainable energy supplies and the green growth of its economy. Over the past ten years...



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