Search results for:climate changE

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What Are the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)?

The Paris Agreement and NDCs 2015 was a historic year in which 196 Parties came together under the Paris Agreement to transform their development trajectories so that they set the world on a...

Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Thriving World

The development of sustainable energy projects, including finance and advisory services, makes the core business of E3 International (E3I). Bonnie Norman, president of E3 International and well-known advisor on the creation of...

Can Electricity Decarbonize the Energy Sector?

The energy sector currently accounts for two-thirds of global carbon emissions; Expedited progress on energy efficiency and low-carbon sources in the energy mix is required to achieve deep decarbonization; As the...

The Delicate Relationship Between People, Wildlife and the Pathogens

In the past, coronaviruses that circulated in humans caused only mild infections. This changed in 2002, when the SARS-CoV virus presented itself in humans as the disease we now know as SARS....

Why Earth Day 2020 Is More Important Than Ever?

22 April is Earth Day. While the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been spreading around the world and dominating news headlines, thoughts and attention, the need to take climate action has remained as urgent...

The Biggest Fall in Carbon Emissions Since WW2 Could Be Short-Lived

Experts warn that without structural change, emissions declines caused by coronavirus could be short-lived as economies get back to normal.* Emissions have to peak in 2020 to hit climate goals* Experts differ...

WMO Is Concerned About Impact of COVID-19 on Observing System

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is concerned about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quantity and quality of weather observations and forecasts, as well as atmospheric and climate monitoring.WMO’s Global...

COP26 Postponed Due to COVID-19

The COP26 UN climate change conference set to take place in Glasgow in November has been postponed due to COVID-19. This decision has been taken by the COP Bureau of the UNFCCC (United...

Innovative Sustainable Solutions

Ecology and environmental conservation are known as one of the fields of science and life. However, climate change and awareness of the consequences of human activities indicate the growing need to intensify...

The Investment Case for Energy Transition in Africa

Falling technology costs have made renewable energy a cost-effective way to generate power in countries all over the world, which would drive further development and improved economy. Despite the tremendous efforts that...

Home School with a Virtual Dive into the Ocean

Remote diving is the new remote working. Schools, events and activities in so much of the world have come to a standstill in the wake of COVID-19, with little or no movement recommended....

Biopesticides for Locust Control in East Africa

East Africa is going through a massive Desert Locust infestation that’s stripping farming families of food and income and threatening the food security of millions throughout the region. And the number of...

To Make Things Last Longer and Create Less Waste

"Circular economy as a part of the concept of society’s sustainable development” is the project of the professional organisation Ambassadors of sustainable development and environment. The goal of this organisation is to...

The Hidden Risks Nature Loss Poses for Businesses

Nature loss is still a hidden risk for many businesses. This must change - both for the sake of businesses and the environment. Here are four actions businesses can take to...

Clean Energy at the Heart of Stimulus Plans to Counter the Coronavirus Crisis?

The impact of the coronavirus around the world and the resulting turmoil in global markets are dominating global attention. As governments respond to these interlinked crises, they must not lose sight of...

The Wonder Trees That Nurture Marine Biodiversity

This 2020 theme for the International Day of Forests on 21 March is Forests and Biodiversity. It's an often-quoted fact that forests are home to 80 per cent of terrestrial biodiversity, but...



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